Custom Query (1179 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 1179)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1820 standard host metadata new enhancement minor undecided
#1840 CLI: don't allow creating single-letter aliases on Windows assigned davidsarah defect minor soon
#1881 test utility for comparing sets assigned davidsarah defect minor undecided
#1887 naming of expire.cutoff_date option with an underscore is inconsistent new defect minor undecided
#1917 cleanup: be consistent about importing StringIO new davidsarah defect minor undecided
#1968 always use assertutil for assertions new defect minor undecided
#2012 Translate accounting-overview.txt to rst format. new marlowe defect minor soon
#2301 The term "filesystem" is too overloaded. assigned blaisep defect minor undecided
#2351 Create tahoe-lafs client using WebRTC for Dropbox like link sending new enhancement minor undecided
#2372 add precondition_type convenience function new daira enhancement minor undecided
#2463 eliminate duplication between test classes Update and Version in test_mutable assigned daira defect minor soon
#2768 intermittent DirtyReactor failures in test_system.Connections.test_rref new defect minor undecided
#2777 modernize tests new task minor undecided
#2782 code reorg: less inheritance, more delegation/composition new task minor undecided
#2797 explain two timestamps on WUI server listings new defect minor soon
#2899 ValueOrderedDict throws IndexError when given equal non-identical keys new defect minor undecided
#2943 "tox -e codechecks" should check for docstrings in all new code new enhancement minor undecided
#3226 DecryptingConsumer and EncryptedTemporaryFile refactor new enhancement minor undecided
#3280 unit-test Web-UI "welcome" page new enhancement minor undecided
#3972 Solving `untyped-def` mypy errors in tahoe-lafs codebase assigned daniellee enhancement minor undecided
#3973 Update twisted for type checker new daniellee enhancement minor undecided
#4129 Windows CircleCI tests should make use of multicore runners assigned hacklschorsch enhancement minor undecided
#4145 Decide which CI runners to keep new enhancement minor undecided
#4149 Remove Six dependency new enhancement minor undecided
#4153 Copyright notice in readme is outdated assigned hacklschorsch task minor undecided
#50 ask a peer to tell you what your IP address is (similar to STUNT/ICE) new enhancement normal undecided
#170 package Tahoe-LAFS for Fedora new ruben enhancement normal soon
#451 webdav frontend new enhancement normal undecided
#540 inappropriate "uncoordinated write error" after handling a server failure new kevan defect normal soon
#546 mutable-file surprise shares raise inappropriate UCWE new defect normal soon
#573 Allow client to control which storage servers receive shares assigned daira enhancement normal soon
#641 tahoe backup should be able to backup symlinks new defect normal undecided
#824 WUI pages lack correct XHTML 1.0 Transitional declarations assigned daira defect normal soon
#925 Information leak to holders of a directory read cap, about whether each dir entry is writeable and the length of its write cap assigned daira defect normal soon
#972 More tests needed for immutable directories assigned davidsarah defect normal soon
#1153 need tests for create-{client, node} with default nodedir assigned davidsarah defect normal soon
#1156 the test_2_good_8_hung_then_1_recovers_* methods in test_hung_server are wrong new somebody defect normal eventually
#1171 add regression test for shnums: "e,r,r,o,r" reopened warner defect normal soon
#1182 clean up and improve asymptotic complexity of Spans and DataSpans assigned zooko defect normal soon
#1194 Garbage Collector need to remove subdirs of storage/shares when deleting shares new nobody defect normal eventually
#1203 /storage is insufficiently verbose when no crawl running new nobody defect normal eventually
#1207 Detect RFC1918/invalid addresses somehow new enhancement normal undecided
#1228 backupdb and ext4 i_version/generation xattributes new warner enhancement normal undecided
#1280 deal with fragile, but disposable, bucket state files new daira defect normal soon
#1285 SFTP: put an approximation of grid capacity and available space in the 'df' output new defect normal undecided
#1332 fails to start up on readonly filesystem when it tried to rmdir the incoming directory new zancas defect normal soon
#1340 consider share-at-a-time uploader new enhancement normal undecided
#1375 the performance stats for each upload or download are undiscoverable new tarcieri defect normal undecided
#1378 per-server timings of immutable uploads new somebody defect normal soon
#1386 KeyError: 'file' if the local file is removed after selection and before Submit new daira defect normal soon
#1393 more detailed breakdown of upload 'Peer Selection' time new somebody defect normal soon
#1408 accounting using bitcoins new somebody defect normal undecided
#1415 WUI is more useful than CLI new defect normal undecided
#1419 when you get write-access to a directory, it comes with a "suggested added convergence secret" new enhancement normal undecided
#1478 'tahoe create-introducer' should create introducer.furl immediately assigned daira enhancement normal soon
#1490 A script for autogenerating local grids. new zancas enhancement normal undecided
#1492 introducer status page is ugly new defect normal soon
#1498 provide more automated setup assistant new somebody enhancement normal undecided
#1508 shortcut encryption and erasure coding when a file has already been uploaded new enhancement normal undecided
#1514 memory usage in MDMF retrieve new defect normal soon
#1515 more precise progress indication for MDMF retrieve new enhancement normal undecided
#1522 our use of the term "bucket" is ambiguous new somebody defect normal undecided
#1535 Allow restricting Tahoe-LAFS gateway to one user by supporting Unix sockets new enhancement normal eventually
#1541 Add ?t=xml parameter for getting file statistics new bibilthaysose enhancement normal undecided
#1543 rearrange share format to make downloads faster new enhancement normal undecided
#1548 separate configuration from instantiation of Client instance new zooko enhancement normal soon
#1559 in test_download.Corruption.test_each_byte, catalog_detection = True has bitrotted new somebody defect normal eventually
#1563 webapi.rst should have a Change Log section new somebody defect normal undecided
#1578 test suite fails on Windows if run from directory with a long name new daira defect normal soon
#1581 Trac file uploads/attachments failing/corrupted assigned zooko defect normal soon
#1597 make 'tahoe cp' support the same '--exclude' options as 'tahoe backup' new enhancement normal undecided
#1629 auto-configuration of tub.location for nodes running on EC2 new enhancement normal undecided
#1645 UnrecoverableFileError HTML message should include a link to check the file new enhancement normal soon
#1657 Sneakernet grid scenario new nobody enhancement normal undecided
#1663 Add a concise table of the URL tree to webapi.rst. assigned marlowe enhancement normal undecided
#1666 test that an upload with no Content-Length (and not chunked) gives HTTP 411 Length Required new defect normal soon
#1687 store copy of block-hash-chain with each block new enhancement normal undecided
#1691 occasional long delay using trac search function new somebody defect normal undecided
#1694 package client and server separately new somebody enhancement normal undecided
#1706 The "Report!" button in the "Report an Incident" form field redirects to a misleading/incomplete message new zancas defect normal undecided
#1709 order nodes by nickname instead of peerid on the welcome page new enhancement normal undecided
#1715 change all docs and generated URLs to point to "/cap" instead of "/uri" assigned davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1719 Improve google search results for phrases like "tahoe file storage" new defect normal undecided
#1723 tahoe backup --help (for example) implies that you have to use aliases new zancas defect normal undecided
#1726 new visualizer needs labels with units new warner defect normal soon
#1727 New Visualizer has layout bug where serverids and other things scribble over each other new warner defect normal soon
#1728 add link to docs/frontends/download-status.rst from the download status page assigned Lcstyle enhancement normal soon
#1750 times are rounded too coarsely in results pages new defect normal undecided
#1752 are we doing more readvs and writevs than necessary for some CLI or WUI operations? assigned davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1755 2-phase commit new daira enhancement normal soon
#1756 MDMF publisher sends duplicate write vector elements new defect normal soon
#1763 NoServersError raised to user new defect normal undecided
#1764 tahoe webapi gives HTTP 410 Gone for files that may actually come back new ChosenOne defect normal soon
#1765 gossip-introducer should forget about old nodes somehow new warner enhancement normal soon
#1766 add --range option to "tahoe get" new enhancement normal undecided
#1768 intermittent test_system failure new defect normal undecided
#1770 always include a useful message in calls to log.err new defect normal soon
#1794 upload failed -- "I/O operation on closed file" new defect normal undecided
#1796 refuse to upload/download a mutable file if it cannot be done in the available memory new defect normal undecided
#1799 Document how to distinguish exceptions from JSON, or encode exceptions as JSON new defect normal undecided
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.