#1541 new enhancement

Add ?t=xml parameter for getting file statistics

Reported by: bibilthaysose Owned by: bibilthaysose
Priority: normal Milestone: undecided
Component: code-frontend-web Version: 1.9.0a1
Keywords: xml webapi Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


The best way to programmatically retrieve file statistics is currently with GET /uri/$PATH?t=json. However, xml has some advantages (such as xpath, xsl, xsv) over json.

The general consensus seems to be that converting generically between json and xml is problematic because of things like attributes, cdata and textual elements. However, I believe that these difficulties are only encountered when translating richly written xml (that makes use of the aforementioned artifacts) to json. It seems like going from json to xml should not carry such difficulties.

There is a library of xsl functions called fxsl which contains a function called f:json_document(). This would require the libxslt (and libxml2) module if it were to be used on the server side.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed at 2012-03-29T19:30:00Z by davidsarah

  • Component changed from unknown to code-frontend-web
  • Keywords webapi added
  • Milestone changed from eventually to undecided
  • Priority changed from major to normal

I'm -1 on this ticket because I think it's unnecessary complexity.

comment:2 Changed at 2012-03-29T19:30:24Z by davidsarah

  • Keywords file statistic removed
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