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Results (601 - 700 of 1179)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2049 Decide where "packaging tests" should live. new nejucomo task normal soon
#2050 Expand HowToWriteTests to packaging and distribution tests assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#2053 make "tahoe backup" avoid "piling up" if the backup job takes longer than the period new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2054 Track unit test duration for possible regressions new enhancement normal undecided
#2056 bad connection hint in tub.location works once new daira defect normal undecided
#2057 reproducible builds new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2060 Alter mutable uploads to use upload strategy of happiness new markberger enhancement normal soon
#2062 what happens if a "tahoe backup" process is in progress when another one is started? new defect normal undecided
#2070 WUI: what's the difference between "Immutable" and "SDMF"? new defect normal undecided
#2073 Wrong ports are reported for connected nodes new defect normal undecided
#2080 remove the "experimental" flag on MDMF in the WUI and make it the default new warner enhancement normal soon
#2081 bad error message when you give a readonly dircap as target to "tahoe cp" new defect normal undecided
#2082 it says "option --node-dir not a unique prefix", but it is! new defect normal soon
#2084 Commercial grids need an ability to disallow downloads without deleting data new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2085 Unit tests should work offline new defect normal undecided
#2088 create-node error when ~/.tahoe already exists new warner defect normal soon
#2093 State-mutating GET methods in webapi. new daira defect normal undecided
#2095 sftp - unable to recognise password in private/accounts assigned daira defect normal soon
#2096 tahoe backup says "WARNING: cannot backup special file" when a file has been moved while it is running new defect normal undecided
#2097 deprecate FTP in favor of SFTP? new daira defect normal soon
#2100 passphrase-encrypt the aliases file new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2101 improve error messages from failed uploads new daira defect normal soon
#2107 don't place shares on servers that already have shares new enhancement normal undecided
#2108 uploader should keep trying other servers if its initially-chosen servers fail during the "scan" phase new daira defect normal soon
#2109 tahoe deep-check raises MustForceRepairError new defect normal undecided
#2110 uploader confuses self-write-dedup with "server is full" new markberger defect normal undecided
#2117 Valid helper makes "Connected to Q of R" irrelevant for upload success new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2118 Lower extension size new daira defect normal undecided
#2119 Don't pre-convert all serverids to ServerTrackers new markberger defect normal undecided
#2120 Change counter value for AES-CTR new daira defect normal undecided
#2123 Build intermitently-connected replication-only storage grid new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2124 Add [storage].max_shares configuration option new enhancement normal undecided
#2126 send application/json content-type for JSON response new defect normal undecided
#2127 Disambiguate "client" and "gateway" occurrences in Tahoe-LAFS docs assigned blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#2131 Create Launchpad PPAs for stable and daily builds new task normal soon
#2135 Add --print-uri option to "tahoe backup" to dump resulting backup URI new amontero enhancement normal soon
#2136 Use Content-Security-Policy to harden the WUI new daira defect normal undecided
#2138 file formatting conventions for text files in our source repo new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#2140 'Can't synchronize with repository "(default)"' error on projects that still use darcs new defect normal soon
#2142 How to enhance WebUI default security against capability eavesdropping? new amontero enhancement normal undecided
#2143 Adding aliases to the WUI new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2144 Tahoe-LAFS as website hosting storage backend new enhancement normal undecided
#2145 allow downloading ciphertext given a verify cap new enhancement normal undecided
#2146 --autostart new defect normal undecided
#2147 web.port can conflict assigned daira defect normal soon
#2148 --quiet isn't new daira defect normal soon
#2152 have the introducer advertise the external IP it sees for a node to other nodes new defect normal undecided
#2195 deep-check ERROR: NoSharesError(no shares (need 1) new daira defect normal undecided
#2198 make exception tracebacks easier to grok new enhancement normal undecided
#2203 "UnrecoverableFileError(no recoverable versions)" is a poor-quality error report new defect normal undecided
#2205 "--help" text confuses dircaps with aliases new CyberAxe defect normal undecided
#2213 Make SFTP generate its own key new enhancement normal undecided
#2225 allow themeing of WUI new enhancement normal undecided
#2226 add doc about literal caps in performance.rst assigned blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#2227 "format=mutable" in the web API new enhancement normal undecided
#2228 add directory operations to performance.rst assigned marlowe defect normal undecided
#2230 'tahoe --version[and-path]' should print versions even if a requirement check fails new defect normal undecided
#2234 check that regexps use raw strings in 'make code-checks' new defect normal undecided
#2236 Skip files with errors, Long files name, too large. Instead of failing the entire process new Zancas defect normal eventually
#2238 add simpler documentation for a single server use-case new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#2240 Backup failed possibly related to network disconnection new daira defect normal undecided
#2241 exception when trying to attach file to trac ticket new defect normal undecided
#2243 TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' while opening backupdb assigned daira defect normal undecided
#2244 Would like to have tahoe backup --include new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2250 don't re-use metadata from earlier snapshots, in a "tahoe backup" new defect normal soon
#2252 Error reports should always give the IP and server id of a server which failed. new nejucomo defect normal undecided
#2254 Can't backup still suffering from allmydata.interfaces.UploadUnhappinessError new daira defect normal undecided
#2257 issues on Ubuntu with the installation command used in the Linux howto video at 0:08 assigned blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#2258 Tahoe-lafs How-to Linux Video Comments - Put vs backup new JGillispie defect normal undecided
#2259 Linux How to video comments Get vs CP new Cyberaxe defect normal undecided
#2261 Linux video how to - doesn't show restore/recovery - no info on Aliases new daira defect normal soon
#2262 Review, New draft video for Windows Tahoe-Lafs download, install and usage new JGillispie task normal undecided
#2267 exceptions.AttributeError: 'CHKUploadHelper' object has no attribute '_reader' new defect normal undecided
#2268 on Unix, if filesystem and/or I/O encodings are ASCII, ignore that and use UTF-8 instead assigned daira enhancement normal soon
#2274 possible error with cp and spaces in directory names new daira defect normal undecided
#2275 400 Bad Request on 0 empty path components assigned daira defect normal soon
#2276 restore from root folder fails on Archive subfolder new defect normal undecided
#2285 multi backup error new daira defect normal undecided
#2294 investigate using Conda for packaging new defect normal undecided
#2297 improve precision of coverage reports by including coverage by subprocesses new defect normal undecided
#2300 missing git tags causes tests to fail new defect normal soon
#2302 update the Content-Disposition and filename stuff for modern standards and practice new defect normal soon
#2307 make user-oriented error message for malformed furls new defect normal undecided
#2311 build error Undefined PLT symbol "___tls_get_addr" (symnum = 156) new defect normal undecided
#2314 automate cross-linking between github pull requests and trac issue tickets. new defect normal soon
#2319 improve Tor usage documentation new defect normal undecided
#2324 copy of introducer furl, aliases to new computer, error with alias but not alias's value new jgillisp defect normal undecided
#2325 maybe stop using tac files to indicate node type? new warner defect normal eventually
#2327 testing numpy 1.9.0 against misc/operation_helpers/provisioning/ new defect normal undecided
#2331 don't display capabilities without user explicitly asking for it assigned daira defect normal undecided
#2332 ls -l doesn't show size of mutable files when listing directories new defect normal undecided
#2333 manifest with sizes new enhancement normal undecided
#2334 one slow server slows down all uploads that attempt to use it assigned daira defect normal undecided
#2335 clients shouldn't need to have persistent id new enhancement normal undecided
#2338 tahoe backup exits nonzero if there are any symlinks assigned daira defect normal undecided
#2342 Too many open files new defect normal undecided
#2343 replace non-Eliot logging with Eliot logging new defect normal undecided
#2345 Increase Public Awareness of Tahoe-LAFS new nobody task normal soon
#2350 Persistent Introducer connections leak IP addresses even when idle new enhancement normal undecided
#2352 dead code/bug in error-handling in mutable.layout.MDMFSlotWriteProxy._write new defect normal undecided
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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