#2205 new defect

"--help" text confuses dircaps with aliases

Reported by: zooko Owned by: CyberAxe
Priority: normal Milestone: undecided
Component: code-frontend-cli Version: 1.10.0
Keywords: usability cli tahoe-stats Cc: CyberAxe
Launchpad Bug:


CyberAxe is trying to use tahoe stats to find out stats about a specific directory. The --help text says that you can specify a dircap on the command-line, but CyberAxe is confused, because the --help text doesn't say that it will operate on whatever dircap you specify, it says "The dircap you specify will be used as the tahoe alias". CyberAxe isn't sure what that means, and if it will do what he wants, which is to show him the stats of the specified directory.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed at 2014-03-25T03:29:03Z by daira

I take it this is talking about:

      --dir-cap=   Specify which dirnode URI should be used as the 'tahoe'

That is not the option that CyberAxe should use, since all it does is change the meaning of the tahoe: alias (which is basically useless and, IIUC, a holdover from a point when all paths were implicitly relative to that alias).

I don't see the exact phrase "The dircap you specify will be used as the tahoe alias" anywhere.

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