Custom Query (1563 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1300 of 1563)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Status: new (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2093 State-mutating GET methods in webapi. daira defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.0
#2096 tahoe backup says "WARNING: cannot backup special file" when a file has been moved while it is running defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2100 passphrase-encrypt the aliases file daira enhancement normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2107 don't place shares on servers that already have shares enhancement normal code-peerselection 1.10.0
#2109 tahoe deep-check raises MustForceRepairError defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2110 uploader confuses self-write-dedup with "server is full" markberger defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2117 Valid helper makes "Connected to Q of R" irrelevant for upload success daira enhancement normal code-frontend-web 1.10.0
#2118 Lower extension size daira defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2119 Don't pre-convert all serverids to ServerTrackers markberger defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2120 Change counter value for AES-CTR daira defect normal code 1.10.0
#2123 Build intermitently-connected replication-only storage grid daira enhancement normal unknown 1.10.0
#2124 Add [storage].max_shares configuration option enhancement normal code-storage 1.10.0
#2126 send application/json content-type for JSON response defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.0
#2136 Use Content-Security-Policy to harden the WUI daira defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.0
#2142 How to enhance WebUI default security against capability eavesdropping? amontero enhancement normal code-frontend-web 1.10.0
#2143 Adding aliases to the WUI daira enhancement normal code-frontend-web
#2144 Tahoe-LAFS as website hosting storage backend enhancement normal contrib 1.10.0
#2145 allow downloading ciphertext given a verify cap enhancement normal code-frontend 1.10.0
#2146 --autostart defect normal code-nodeadmin 1.10.0
#2152 have the introducer advertise the external IP it sees for a node to other nodes defect normal code-network 1.10.0
#2195 deep-check ERROR: NoSharesError(no shares (need 1) daira defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2198 make exception tracebacks easier to grok enhancement normal code-frontend 1.10.0
#2203 "UnrecoverableFileError(no recoverable versions)" is a poor-quality error report defect normal code-mutable 1.10.0
#2205 "--help" text confuses dircaps with aliases CyberAxe defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2213 Make SFTP generate its own key enhancement normal code-nodeadmin 1.10.0
#2225 allow themeing of WUI enhancement normal code-frontend-web 1.10.0
#2227 "format=mutable" in the web API enhancement normal code-frontend-web 1.10.0
#2230 'tahoe --version[and-path]' should print versions even if a requirement check fails defect normal packaging 1.10.0
#2234 check that regexps use raw strings in 'make code-checks' defect normal code 1.10.0
#2240 Backup failed possibly related to network disconnection daira defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2241 exception when trying to attach file to trac ticket defect normal dev-infrastructure 1.10.0
#2244 Would like to have tahoe backup --include daira enhancement normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2252 Error reports should always give the IP and server id of a server which failed. nejucomo defect normal code-network 1.10.0
#2254 Can't backup still suffering from allmydata.interfaces.UploadUnhappinessError daira defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2258 Tahoe-lafs How-to Linux Video Comments - Put vs backup JGillispie defect normal documentation 1.10.0
#2259 Linux How to video comments Get vs CP Cyberaxe defect normal documentation 1.10.0
#2262 Review, New draft video for Windows Tahoe-Lafs download, install and usage JGillispie task normal documentation 1.10.0
#2267 exceptions.AttributeError: 'CHKUploadHelper' object has no attribute '_reader' defect normal code-network 1.10.0
#2274 possible error with cp and spaces in directory names daira defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2276 restore from root folder fails on Archive subfolder defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2285 multi backup error daira defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2294 investigate using Conda for packaging defect normal packaging 1.10.0
#2297 improve precision of coverage reports by including coverage by subprocesses defect normal code 1.10.0
#2307 make user-oriented error message for malformed furls defect normal code-nodeadmin 1.10.0
#2311 build error Undefined PLT symbol "___tls_get_addr" (symnum = 156) defect normal packaging 1.10.0
#2319 improve Tor usage documentation defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2324 copy of introducer furl, aliases to new computer, error with alias but not alias's value jgillisp defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2327 testing numpy 1.9.0 against misc/operation_helpers/provisioning/ defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2332 ls -l doesn't show size of mutable files when listing directories defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2333 manifest with sizes enhancement normal code-dirnodes 1.10.0
#2335 clients shouldn't need to have persistent id enhancement normal code-network 1.10.0
#2342 Too many open files defect normal code 1.10.0
#2343 replace non-Eliot logging with Eliot logging defect normal code 1.10.0
#2350 Persistent Introducer connections leak IP addresses even when idle enhancement normal code-network 1.10.0
#2352 dead code/bug in error-handling in mutable.layout.MDMFSlotWriteProxy._write defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2358 Allow storage nodes to publish an arbitrary text description enhancement normal code-storage 1.10.0
#2369 Support encryptionless sftp using sftp-over-tcp HoverHell enhancement normal code-frontend-ftp-sftp 1.10.0
#2373 adopt pyrsistent enhancement normal unknown 1.10.0
#2376 Don't use helper for local nodes, only remote ones enhancement normal code-network 1.10.0
#2377 replace 'cond and one or tother' idiom with 'one if cond or tother' daira defect normal code 1.10.0
#2386 updating unhealthy MDMF files: likely problem defect normal code-mutable 1.10.0
#2387 transverse block-hash-trees, plus segment-hash-tree enhancement normal code-encoding 1.10.0
#2403 directories not created using helper defect normal code-mutable 1.10.0
#2404 optionally backup to mutable files/directories enhancement normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2410 tahoe create-alias issue dipen defect normal unknown 1.10.0
#2421 connect tahoe-lafs repo to Docker Hub warner defect normal dev-infrastructure 1.10.0
#2422 Multiple Helpers daira enhancement normal code-network 1.10.0
#2425 Unreliable (including malicious) storage nodes daira enhancement normal code-peerselection 1.10.0
#2472 encrypted cloud database daira defect normal unknown 1.10.1
#2532 storage server running 1.10.2 shows 2^64 bytes available to clients defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.1
#2547 it is too confusing that --basedir works for some commands and not others defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.1
#2555 publish-and-subscribe to change events on mutables daira defect normal code-mutable 1.10.1
#2581 Mounting SSH does no longer work with latest 1.10.2 release, worked with 1.10.0 - regression? daira defect normal code-frontend-ftp-sftp 1.10.2
#2590 GET /operations/$HANDLE?output=json is not JSON defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.1
#2704 remove _lsLine from daira defect normal code-frontend-ftp-sftp 1.10.2
#2712 implement leif's magic-folder data model dawuud enhancement normal unknown 1.10.2
#2716 Exception on WUI defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.2
#2717 Trac email anti-blacklisting measures: DKIM enhancement normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#2718 Trac ticket update caught as spam by gmail daira defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#2719 TWN55 caught as spam by gmail daira defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#2720 format_http_error leaks the URI daira defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.2
#2724 use humanize library daira defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.2
#2735 remove "bin/tahoe" and fancy "@" runner support task normal code-nodeadmin 1.10.2
#2741 improve the OS-X packages daira task normal packaging 1.10.2
#2761 self-update command enhancement normal packaging 1.10.2
#2767 Allow N, K, and H to be specified per command. dawuud enhancement normal code-frontend-cli unknown
#2772 Gmail Classifying TWN Emails as Spam defect normal operational 1.11.0
#2778 add server-info pages to WUI, link there from upload/download status pages and Welcome page enhancement normal code-frontend-web 1.11.0
#2786 split uploader/downloader into "txlafs" library task normal packaging 1.11.0
#2790 Magic-Folder: refactor uploader tests meejah defect normal unknown 1.11.0
#2791 Tahoe CLI / SSL certificate defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.11.0
#2793 Magic-Folder: pause uploader/downloader when enough servers go away defect normal unknown 1.11.0
#2796 add share-type argument to storage server protocol enhancement normal code-storage 1.11.0
#2812 replace Twistd plugins with new `twist` tool task normal code 1.11.0
#2822 remove redundant read from web GET of directory defect normal code-frontend-web 1.11.0
#2823 "tahoe cp FILE ALIAS:" does unnecessary directory reads defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.11.0
#2825 rewrite CLI commands to use treq or twisted.web, not httplib task normal code-frontend-cli 1.11.0
#2828 address remaining anonymity-violating linkages defect normal code-network 1.11.0
#2832 Unsigned entries in an announcement cause later entries to be ignored defect normal code-network 1.11.0
#2837 create-node --listen=tor hangs with tor- defect normal code-network 1.11.0
(more results for this group on next page)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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