Custom Query (1179 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 1179)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#4083 Run blocking operations in a thread or thread pool, part 3 new defect normal undecided
#4085 Dirty reactor tests new defect normal undecided
#4086 Release signatures (not available on PyPI any more) new task normal undecided
#4089 PyPy 7.3.15 and later break Twisted 23.10 and earlier new defect normal undecided
#4095 Move off Trac - Initiation new task normal undecided
#4097 1.19.0 node connection issues. new defect normal undecided
#4103 2024-Getting Started guide assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4104 Meeting Notes Consolidation assigned blaisep task normal User Documentation Goals
#4105 Make it possible to run a pure storage server (a node with no client) new enhancement normal undecided
#4106 UI/representation of errors (tracebacks) in the HTTP client new enhancement normal undecided
#4107 UI/representation of errors (tracebacks) in the CLI client new enhancement normal undecided
#4109 1079.09- Example using Magic Folder new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4110 "tahoe create-node --storage-dir" is incorrectly interpreted as a flag (not an option) new defect normal undecided
#4111 Fix sys.path in Sphinx new blasep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#4112 Broken links new blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#4113 Automate the NEW tutorial commands new blaisep task normal User Documentation Goals
#4115 typechecks fail on master new defect normal undecided
#4116 merge of 1879 causes regression new blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#4117 Include tests for the Operator's Guide-Installation step assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4118 HOWTO Contributor/Developer guide assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4119 HOWTO work on related tickets new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4120 Create Sequence diagram for the step-by-step tutorials new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4121 HOWTO use the (new) ticketing system assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4122 HOWTO Contributor guide: add/change glossary entries new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4123 Tahoe-LAFS depends on removed `cgi` stdlib module new itamarst defect normal undecided
#4125 HOWTO daemonize tahoe new blaisep task normal User Documentation Goals
#4126 Unit test suite inconsistently failing on CircleCI assigned hacklschorsch defect normal undecided
#4133 fix tahoe packaging new defect normal undecided
#4135 latest zfec fails on oraclelinux-8 builder new defect normal undecided
#4137 Update Fedora builder image new task normal Automate Release Process
#4138 Licensing metadata new defect normal undecided
#4139 Strange error from magic-folders on 1.19 and master new defect normal undecided
#4142 Review and make sure all 3rd party services are owned by active members new task normal undecided
#4143 Refresh docker builder images new task normal undecided
#4144 circleci/integration builder consistently fails new defect normal undecided
#4146 returnValue is deprecated new defect normal undecided
#4147 Update CoC to document accurate contacts to handle conduct issues new defect normal undecided
#4148 Update Coding Standards which still claims compatibility with Python 2.7 new task normal undecided
#4150 CI: Test our Debian package for/with upcoming Debian Trixie assigned hacklschorsch task normal undecided
#4151 put signatures in Git? new enhancement normal undecided
#4154 is the copyright statement correct? new defect normal undecided
#4155 parse_duration() doesn't understand seconds new defect normal undecided
#4156 Delete Slack workspace new task normal undecided
#4157 Nix: building with pypy fails new defect normal undecided
#4159 Log a message when shutting down because STDIN is closed new defect normal undecided
#4160 Re-target new task normal undecided
#4161 Move off Trac - Execution - Forgejo new task normal undecided
#4162 Infrastructure as Code to manage DNS configurations new enhancement normal undecided
#4163 update expenses/donations for Magic Internet new task normal undecided
#4167 Client can't connect to storage node with GBS + Tor in 1.20.0 new defect normal undecided
#54 port memory usage tests to windows assigned davidsarah enhancement major eventually
#97 reducing memory footprint in share reception assigned warner defect major undecided
#113 command-line: do things in an incremental fashion and accept stdin as input assigned zooko enhancement major eventually
#126 add "Invite a Friend" button new enhancement major undecided
#127 Cap URLs leaked via HTTP Referer header assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#152 build "sharing slots" / use mutable files as primitives for sharing messages new enhancement major undecided
#169 tcp hole-punching! new ghazel enhancement major undecided
#172 put sparklines on front page new somebody enhancement major undecided
#173 How does tahoe filesystem layer (lafs) handle lots of file-upload tasks? new somebody enhancement major eventually
#182 build a .pkg installer for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (intel-x86-64) new zooko enhancement major soon
#200 writing of shares is fragile and "tahoe stop" is unnecessarily harsh new warner enhancement major eventually
#203 add deep-copy function to web API new enhancement major eventually
#204 "virtual CDs" new enhancement major
#217 Ed25519-based mutable files -- fast file creation, possibly smaller URLs assigned zooko enhancement major
#224 bandwidth throttling new enhancement major undecided
#232 Peer selection doesn't rebalance shares on overwrite of mutable file. new warner defect major soon
#235 scale up to many nodes new enhancement major undecided
#268 implement CHK download helper new warner enhancement major undecided
#270 test for interrupted writes of mutable files new zooko defect major soon
#277 make the wui show the underlying LAFS model -- one WUI page per link in LAFS new zooko enhancement major eventually
#283 implement mutable-file upload/download helpers new enhancement major undecided
#284 helper farm new warner task major undecided
#287 download: tolerate lost or missing servers new defect major eventually
#288 resumption of interrupted downloads new warner enhancement major soon
#295 distributed authorization of access to nodes new task major undecided
#296 enforce timeout on DYHB queries? new defect major eventually
#307 maybe add node metadata? (in addition to edge metadata) new enhancement major undecided
#308 add directory traversal / deep-verify capability? new enhancement major
#309 add web page to Introducer, with client lists/counts new somebody enhancement major eventually
#316 add caching to tahoe proper? new somebody enhancement major undecided
#317 measurements of grid usage for the TestGrid page reopened somebody enhancement major eventually
#318 wapi: test that we return 200 or 201 as appropriate new defect major soon
#320 add streaming (on-line) upload to HTTP interface assigned zooko enhancement major eventually
#324 use POST for operations whose noun doesn't denote the same resource that a GET would denote, or that have side effects new defect major soon
#325 flogtool scalability/performance new warner defect major undecided
#327 performance measurement of directories assigned zooko enhancement major eventually
#333 immutable-uploader-helper leftovers new warner task major eventually
#337 how does the whole system handle lots of file-upload tasks? new somebody defect major eventually
#344 more client-vs-server refactoring: servers-only shouldn't subscribe to storage announcements new enhancement major soon
#362 enhance upload to search longer and more completely for shares new kevan defect major undecided
#366 address Nathan Wilcox's concerns about "Tahoe and the browser security model" assigned blaisep defect major eventually
#371 corrupted introducer.furl causes subtle startup breakage new defect major eventually
#383 large directories take a long time to modify new enhancement major eventually
#390 'readonly_storage' and 'reserved_space' not honored for mutable-slot write requests new defect major eventually
#394 mutable publish: add timing charts to measure RTT new task major soon
#395 why are so many helper files being abandoned? new somebody task major eventually
#397 increase helper fetch blocksize to 1MB new task major eventually
#403 grid identifier new enhancement major
#406 end-to-end encoding self-test assigned zooko defect major eventually
#413 mutable files: expose version info to HTTP clients new enhancement major eventually
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.