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Results (1101 - 1179 of 1179)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1495 test forks of MacFUSE for use with sshfs on OS X Lion new tarcieri task major undecided
#1496 make SFTP frontend handle updates to MDMFs without downloading and uploading the entire file assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1497 update docs/performance.rst to explain the performance of MDMFs new defect major soon
#1499 when you create a mutable file in the WUI you should get a nice user interface page back new enhancement major soon
#1500 test_mutable.Update takes too long to run new defect major soon
#1502 WUI: make type field more regular, and show SDMF vs MDMF new defect major soon
#1511 confusing error message from 'tahoe backup' when source directory doesn't exist new defect major undecided
#1513 memory usage in MDMF publish new defect major eventually
#1524 twistd can fail when checking whether a is stale assigned davidsarah defect major undecided
#1529 corrupted filesize in CHK filecap causes unexpected "bad hash error" new defect major soon
#1530 automated comparative 'k' performance tests and graphs new warner task major soon
#1545 add readv() API to immutable-share storage-server protocol, use in downloader assigned davidsarah enhancement major soon
#1550 new/alternate download visualizer new drewp enhancement major undecided
#1551 WUI: the Upload results page should have both view and download links new defect major eventually
#1576 support running tests for an installed version without causing allmydata.test.test_runner.BinTahoe.test_the_right_code to fail assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1588 I want to trigger backups through the WUI. new enhancement major eventually
#1596 more specific error message for the case where too few servers are connected new somebody defect major undecided
#1639 'Return to file/directory' link from file check results gives an error assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1640 the mutable publisher should try harder to place all shares new nobody defect major soon
#1641 fix regressions in convergent uncoordinated write detection assigned kevan defect major soon
#1646 nondeterministic failure of mydata.test.test_runner.RunNode.test_introducer new davidsarah defect major undecided
#1647 errors should include a timestamp and/or request ID so that they can be correlated with server logs assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1649 WUI: the error message page for a writeable file/directory nonobviously includes the write cap assigned davidsarah defect major undecided
#1652 pyfilesystem tahoe-lafs mounted with fuse does not handles fs.errors.StorageSpaceError new nobody defect major undecided
#1653 mutable-retrieve should accept good shares from servers with bad shares new defect major eventually
#1659 setuptools/easy_install/pip-installed package lacks documentation new nejucomo defect major undecided
#1664 webapi fails to handle all TCP disconnects: "Request.finish called on a request after its connection was lost; use Request.notifyFinish to keep track of this." new nobody defect major soon
#1665 Brainstorm webapi vulnerabilities between the operator and a user and between users. new task major undecided
#1684 duplicate settings in tahoe.cfg should produce an error new defect major undecided
#1696 attempting more than four simultaneous put uploads seems to break client new somebody defect major undecided
#1697 there is no test covering password-checking for SFTP or FTP assigned daira defect major soon
#1730 ERROR: AttributeError('NoneType' object has no attribute 'callRemote') new warner defect major soon
#1731 httplib.BadStatusLine exception occurred once in 10000 "tahoe put"s to the same SDMF writecap new davidsarah defect major undecided
#1742 Error during POST: 500 Internal Server Error assigned daira defect major soon
#1791 UploadUnhappinessError with available storage nodes > shares.happy new gyver defect major soon
#1795 Incomplete ServerMap triggers UncoordinatedWriteError upon mutable Publish assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1797 WUI: view content in an HTML5 sandboxed iframe new defect major soon
#1798 Segregate gateway HTTP ports: one for raw bytes and one for generated WUI pages new freddyb defect major soon
#1811 9P frontend new enhancement major undecided
#1830 Upload (sometimes?) ignores shares.happy in tahoe.cfg new kmarkley86 defect major soon
#1859 Proof-of-concept attack: Upload and execute attacker controlled js from any domain. new davidsarah defect major undecided
#1904 filenames leak into log files from rename (and other web-API operations that take filenames) new defect major undecided
#1939 memory leak (during check --repair --add-lease) new killyourtv defect major undecided
#2055 Building tahoe safely is non-trivial new daira defect major soon
#2090 Don't expose URIs after failed CLI commands new daira defect major soon
#2125 don't cache failures! new defect major undecided
#2202 ERROR: UnrecoverableFileError(no recoverable versions) new daira defect major undecided
#2214 DOS defect concerning forged shares new daira defect major soon
#2270 Tahoe trac silently fails to add ticket attachments new defect major soon
#2336 using two copies of the same node directory fails badly new defect major undecided
#2349 TypeError: AES.__init__() argument 1 must be string or read-only character buffer, not None new defect major undecided
#2364 Clients in onion grid busy-wait if a storage node is unreachable new defect major undecided
#2385 node web server should use DHE/ECDHE suites automatically new j3i enhancement major undecided
#2409 tolerate simultaneous uploads better new defect major undecided
#2779 add tests to catch things like tox.ini not being in new defect major soon
#2887 Introducers sending duplicated announcements for upgraded nodes new defect major undecided
#3469 Create 1.15.0 release new meejah defect major soon
#3535 Document crypto used in grid-manager new task major undecided
#3673 add discourse to release-checklist new meejah enhancement major Automate Release Process
#3696 Fix for Ubuntu 20.4 bug on Python-virtualenv reopened amj defect major Automate Release Process
#3724 Tahoe-LAFS logo and branding assets new anxhelo task major New Landing Page and Asset Management
#3725 Brand trademarking for Tahoe-LAFS new anxhelo enhancement major New Landing Page and Asset Management
#3811 By default, onion services are v2 (should be v3) new defect major soon
#3825 Placeholder new defect major undecided
#3852 500 error from JSON welcome page new defect major undecided
#3929 Error reading directory: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'addCallback' new defect major undecided
#4108 Onion address contact via clearnet on i2p grid new defect major undecided
#4124 Create proper rollback for bad commits new meejah task major Contributor Experience
#615 Can JavaScript loaded from Tahoe access all your content which is loaded from Tahoe? assigned davidsarah defect critical soon
#755 Allow deep-check to continue after error, and: if there is an unrecoverable subdirectory, the deep-check report (both WUI and CLI) loses other information new daira defect critical soon
#891 web gateway memory grows without bound under load new warner defect critical soon
#893 UCWE when mapupdate gives up too early, then server errors require replacement servers new defect critical soon
#943 "tahoe mv" deleted my files? new daira defect critical soon
#1670 KeyError in mutable read-modify-write assigned zooko defect critical soon
#1824 Tahoe process gone wild new daira defect critical soon
#2222 make a FAQ describing the impact of heartbleed on Tahoe-LAFS assigned blaisep defect critical soon
#2861 SSL handshake failure with 1.12 storage nodes over I2P new defect critical soon
#3604 Develop Roadmap new enhancement critical Contributor Experience
#3851 release template has wrong URL new daira defect critical Automate Release Process
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