


15:07 Ticket #60 (current "Priority:" setting isn't useful) created by zooko
I'd like to configure trac so that we can use "Priority" to keep track …


20:27 Ticket #59 (measure the performance of fec) created by zooko
Figure out how long it takes to erasure code files of various sizes …


20:06 Ticket #58 (logging: also available separately) created by zooko
Everybody claims to dislike reinventing the wheel. However, sometimes …
20:02 Ticket #57 (logging: compress/truncate/encode/decode/format for human readability ...) created by zooko
Mojo Nation's and Mnet's logging system had a humanreadable
19:56 Ticket #56 (logging: lazy representation, interpolation, formatting, etc.) created by zooko
In Mojo Nation's and Mnet's logging system, you could pass a format …
17:58 Ticket #55 (https to tahoe node) created by zooko
Make it so that web browsers can connect to the tahoe node securely.
03:49 Ticket #54 (port memory usage tests to windows) created by zooko
Make the following also work on Windows: Measure the memory usage in …
03:39 Ticket #53 (command-line interface) created by zooko
I met a nice guy named Jeff Hehner at Caffe Sole tonight, who said …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.