#3641 new defect

trac does not convey status of releases or python3 porting status

Reported by: gdt Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: Contributor Experience
Component: unknown Version: n/a
Keywords: Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


(For background, as some of you may remember, I used to run tahoe-lafs and contribute at least bug reports and rants. I have been sort of maintaining the pkgsrc entry (1.12.1 from early 2017), and it's in danger of being kicked out for being 27 only and depending on packages that now have non-27 versions and thereby blocking their upgrades. So I wanted to understand the current state of the world, maybe 3 years after this got paged out of my head.)

Going to top-level of trac, there's a big banner saying that 1.13.0 is current, but it's fairly old. Looking harder, I find that there's 1.14.0. This is not a big deal to fix, but it would be good to avoid confusing people.

News says there was an rc 11 months ago, but nothing more. A news entry with some expectations about the way forward would be nice. I realize all of this is hard, and am not trying to complain about any particular state of what is and isn't -- my point is rather that as a packager trying to figure out which way is up and what should I do, it's unclear.

The other thing is that the older package is coded as for python 27 only, which wasn't surprising for 2017. The FAQ doesn't have an entry about python, and I did find in the 1.15.0rc0 relnotes that python 3 was underway but not complete. I did find the milestone, and python3 page, but some of the milestones (2.0.0) had dates that don't make sense. I think it would be good to be clearer about this, as 1 year past eol for 2.7 it is getting harder and harder to support 27 programs within packaging systems.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2021-03-18T17:35:30Z by gdt

  • Summary changed from trac does not convey current status of project accurately to trac does not convey status of releases or python3 porting status

comment:2 Changed at 2021-03-18T17:36:07Z by gdt

Also, news at right says there is 1.14.0, but there isn't, and there is a 1.15.0 but that isn't in the news.

comment:3 Changed at 2021-03-30T19:06:49Z by meejah

  • Milestone changed from undecided to Contributor Experience
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