#2829 closed defect (fixed)

make magic-folder (downloader) polling interval configurable

Reported by: meejah Owned by: meejah
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.12.0
Component: code-frontend-magic-folder Version: 1.11.0
Keywords: Cc: meejah
Launchpad Bug:


It's not currently possible to configure the polling interval for the magic-folder downloader.

Additionally, we should think about what a good default is (3 seconds was used during development, but that's way too short).

We also should document this behavior and say something about how to choose a default (e.g. maybe a *rough* estimate of how much traffic it means).

Change History (9)

comment:1 Changed at 2016-09-13T20:06:15Z by warner

  • Owner changed from daira to meejah

comment:2 Changed at 2016-10-04T16:57:05Z by meejah

For a first cut, at least making "a" config-option is a must for 0.1.12

Longer term, it might be good to have other ways of scheduling magic-folder syncs. (e.g. even "only when told to" or schedule times of low-freq/high-freq, etc).

comment:3 Changed at 2016-10-05T11:52:50Z by dawuud

I checked and currently MagicFolder? defaults to a 1 second polling interval.

Here's I've changed it to 5 seconds default and made it configureable via a magic folder polling interval config file option: https://github.com/david415/tahoe-lafs/tree/2829.magic_folder_polling_interval.0 https://github.com/david415/tahoe-lafs/commit/63e52c276ba3d2e13dd55b74d2c88e4456b168f4

comment:4 Changed at 2016-10-06T13:02:35Z by dawuud

upon looking at the code more closely i don't understand why we have two delay variables in the queue mixin:

  1. turn delay
  2. scan interval

the scan interval only controls how often when_queue_is_empty is called which is only used by the Downloader which performs a remote collective dir scan every scan interval. having the scan interval and the turn delay be different for the Downloader does nothing special.

the uploader doesn't even use when_queue_is_empty. it's a no-op.

can we get rid of scan_interval? I certainly do not like shadowing variable in mixins and in the inheriting class.

comment:5 Changed at 2016-10-06T14:21:01Z by dawuud

i added more commits to that dev branch experimenting with removing scan_interval. it did not work out so well. the unit tests... many of them fail. not sure why.

comment:7 Changed at 2016-10-26T21:33:05Z by warner

Landed in [233d0e2].

comment:8 Changed at 2016-10-31T21:14:55Z by meejah

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

comment:9 Changed at 2016-10-31T21:15:08Z by meejah

Closed as fixed since the PR was merged.

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