Custom Query (1935 matches)


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Results (1901 - 1935 of 1935)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2271 Node._service_startup_failed should not call os.abort() defect minor undecided code
#2305 remove obsolete tools from misc nejucomo enhancement minor 1.10.1 dev-infrastructure
#2312 DeprecationWarning about passing non-bytes header values warner defect minor 1.10.1 code
#2323 opening "" from OS X package gives an error message defect minor 1.10.1 packaging
#2433 dead code: NamedTemporaryDirectory daira defect minor 1.10.1 code
#2593 Magic Folder: default [magic_folder] section of tahoe.cfg is no longer needed dawuud defect minor undecided code-frontend-magic-folder
#2757 improve deprecation-warning builder task minor 1.12.0 dev-infrastructure
#2769 DirtyReactor failure in test_iputil.ListAddresses.test_list_async when offline Brian Warner <warner@…> defect minor soon code
#2775 Node.get_private_config() should strip() return value meejah <meejah@…> defect minor 1.12.0 code
#2879 'magic-folder create' should also create the target local directory defect minor undecided unknown
#3285 Run integration tests from one file sajith enhancement minor undecided unknown
#3442 Imrpove local developer experience running tests rpatterson enhancement minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#3447 Report relevant test coverage details during local development rpatterson enhancement minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#3464 Ensure comments match the project's conventions rpatterson task minor Support Python 3 code
#3682 Add file to Docs maylee task minor Contributor Experience documentation
#3828 Placeholder GitHub <noreply@…> defect minor undecided code-encoding
#3970 Type Annotations and updating of function for wormholetesting daniellee enhancement minor User Documentation Goals unknown
#3971 Configure mypy to be more strict daniellee enhancement minor undecided unknown
#3975 Conditional that could always be truthy. daniellee defect minor undecided code-frontend-web
#3976 Name of variable is same as built in. daniellee defect minor undecided code-frontend-web
#4 fix zfec to install under 2.4 zooko defect blocker 0.2.0 component1
#37 web ui does not display size of files in vdrive warner enhancement trivial code
#53 command-line interface zooko enhancement blocker 0.5.0 code-frontend
#76 Replace "parent directory" link, with links in the display path. nejucomo defect trivial 0.5.0 code
#91 switch to z-base-32 zooko enhancement blocker 0.5.0 code
#93 default package path for python interpreter incompatible with README install test arch_o_median defect trivial 0.6.0 documentation
#108 Top-level trac URL kruft at: somebody defect trivial website
#111 command-line: whoops, put doesn't work zooko defect blocker 0.5.0 unknown
#197 small mutable files warner enhancement blocker 0.7.0 code-encoding
#199 pycrypto gives bad output from SHA-256 for certain input lengths zooko defect blocker 0.7.0 code
#214 makefiles which require GNU make should be named "GNUmakefile" warner defect trivial eventually packaging
#297 In How To Install Doc "twisted" sumo doesn't make clear to the naive user what "kind" of twisted to get. somebody defect trivial eventually website
#582 Links to webapi.txt on "Using Tahoe" page is broken somebody defect trivial undecided website
#647 fix some small but meaningful details of the cli backup command documentation somebody defect trivial undecided documentation
#675 WebApi: PUT /uri?mutable=false creates mutable file warner defect trivial 1.4.1 code-frontend-web
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.