Custom Query (40 matches)


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Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#217 Ed25519-based mutable files -- fast file creation, possibly smaller URLs mutable crypto newcaps performance research assigned zooko enhancement major
#406 end-to-end encoding self-test test pycryptopp integrity assigned zooko defect major
#793 using removable disk as a storage backend bandwidth performance migration placement preservation storage removable backend sneakernet new enhancement major
#1107 "sneakernet" servers bandwidth performance migration preservation storage backend sneakernet new enhancement major
#1452 clarify policy about what versions of dependencies Tahoe-LAFS requires packaging setuptools exocet testing new somebody defect major
#1811 9P frontend 9p sftp pycrypto-lib new enhancement major
#2055 Building tahoe safely is non-trivial install security eggs pip setuptools packaging new daira defect major
#2364 Clients in onion grid busy-wait if a storage node is unreachable availability reliability anti-censorship tor-protocol anonymity new defect major
#1490 A script for autogenerating local grids. automation grid setup new zancas enhancement normal
#1816 add a lease renewal method that only renews some shares in a shareset, to be used by repair/rebalancing forward-compatibility rebalancing repair RIStorageServer leases leasedb servers-of-happiness new warner defect normal
#1838 Add storage location hint to Storage Server storage location new davidsarah enhancement normal
#1871 provide interface to query lease storage information transparency accounting operations storage usability leases assigned davidsarah enhancement normal
#1872 provide interface to purge user data transparency accounting operations storage usability new davidsarah enhancement normal
#1884 mention symlinking the shares directory in configuration.rst configuration docs symlink storage assigned blaisep defect normal
#1905 add diagram of current tahoe-lafs protocol docs immutable mutable crypto assigned davidsarah enhancement normal
#1906 constant-time directory lookup performance directory database newcaps research new davidsarah enhancement normal
#1907 Tor over Tahoe-LAFS mutable tor-protocol privacy rollback performance joke new enhancement normal
#2020 write requirements doc for what we want from a package installer setuptools new defect normal
#2080 remove the "experimental" flag on MDMF in the WUI and make it the default wui usability doc directories mdmf forward-compatibility easy brians-opinion-needed new warner enhancement normal
#2140 'Can't synchronize with repository "(default)"' error on projects that still use darcs website trac zfec zetuptoolz regression new defect normal
#2228 add directory operations to performance.rst docs performance directories assigned marlowe defect normal
#2257 issues on Ubuntu with the installation command used in the Linux howto video at 0:08 Ubuntu how to video docs packaging assigned blaisep defect normal
#2258 Tahoe-lafs How-to Linux Video Comments - Put vs backup backup, video, how to new JGillispie defect normal
#2259 Linux How to video comments Get vs CP Video, how to, cp vs get new Cyberaxe defect normal
#2261 Linux video how to - doesn't show restore/recovery - no info on Aliases how-to video recover restore tahoe-cp recursive new daira defect normal
#2262 Review, New draft video for Windows Tahoe-Lafs download, install and usage video windows howto docs new JGillispie task normal
#2311 build error Undefined PLT symbol "___tls_get_addr" (symnum = 156) cffi cryptography-lib build new defect normal
#2403 directories not created using helper mutable directory upload-helper new defect normal
#2411 check whether SFTP frontend correctly handles creating a directory that already exists sftp directory new daira defect normal
#2532 storage server running 1.10.2 shows 2^64 bytes available to clients storage status welcome new defect normal
#2733 excessively verbose warning about IrrationalVersionError setuptools error pywin32 windows reopened daira defect normal
#2837 create-node --listen=tor hangs with tor- anonymity tor new defect normal
#2946 pass reactor as an argument to allmydata.test.test_node.testing_tub refactor new enhancement normal
#266 when cryptography has random-access AES, update helper to use it upload-helper pycryptopp performance random-access new warner enhancement minor
#600 storage: maybe store buckets as files, not directories storage disk-backend performance migration crawlers new warner enhancement minor
#691 improve WUI directory page according to a new user's first impressions first impressions, directory assigned zooko enhancement minor
#1078 timestamps: localizable format and timezone i18n time usability welcome directory-page wui new somebody defect minor
#1443 use exocet instead of the builtin Python module loader setuptools packaging exocet new somebody enhancement minor
#1736 LAFS does not come with a pony usability aesthetics packaging setuptools forward-compatibility mlp world-domination joke new warner enhancement minor
#1887 naming of expire.cutoff_date option with an underscore is inconsistent gc cutoff-date configuration usability backward-compatibility new defect minor
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