Custom Query (86 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#755 Allow deep-check to continue after error, and: if there is an unrecoverable subdirectory, the deep-check report (both WUI and CLI) loses other information usability error tahoe-check wui verify repair new daira defect critical
#943 "tahoe mv" deleted my files? tahoe-mv usability preservation sftp ftpd new daira defect critical
#1670 KeyError in mutable read-modify-write mutable retrieve error tahoe-backup regression test-needed preservation blocks-release assigned zooko defect critical
#113 command-line: do things in an incremental fashion and accept stdin as input tahoe-put http streaming memory assigned zooko enhancement major
#204 "virtual CDs" dirnodes newcaps performance random-access space-efficiency tahoe-backup new enhancement major
#504 build 'tahoe debug decode' command tahoe-debug transparency new enhancement major
#544 'tahoe check' / 'tahoe deep-check' CLI should have prettier output tahoe-check repair usability assigned francois enhancement major
#568 make immutable check/verify/repair and mutable check/verify work given only a verify cap confidentiality verify repair usability tahoe-check wui anti-censorship excess-authority new daira defect major
#625 Can't repair read-only dirnodes/mutable-files confidentiality integrity preservation verify repair newcaps tahoe-backup usability anti-censorship excess-authority assigned warner defect major
#632 "tahoe backup --prefix": override pathname root for snapshots tahoe-backup new enhancement major
#643 Automatically schedule repair process (and backups?) repair availability preservation usability scheduling tahoe-backup new somebody enhancement major
#658 "tahoe cp" should avoid full upload/download when the destination already exists (using backupdb and/or plaintext hashes) backupdb tahoe-cp usability newcaps performance new enhancement major
#662 add an option for "tahoe manifest" to not skip duplicates, or a --recursive option to "tahoe ls" tahoe-manifest cycle new enhancement major
#796 write-only caps newcaps tahoe-backup research new enhancement major
#835 "tahoe cp -r --mutable/--immutable": make mutable copy of immutable directories or vice versa usability tahoe-cp new enhancement major
#836 use mkdir-with-children or set-children in "tahoe cp [-r]" tahoe-cp performance assigned daira enhancement major
#839 Copying directories containing caps from the future forward-compatibility tahoe-cp assigned davidsarah enhancement major
#845 "tahoe backup" and HFS+ OS-level immutable directories: copying Time Machine backups performance tahoe-backup new enhancement major
#849 Tahoe cp command refuses to copy remote files to a local directory that contains special files reliability tahoe-cp new defect major
#851 tahoe backup exclude option only matches on filename instead of path tahoe-backup usability new enhancement major
#855 Make tahoe webopen without arguments show the tahoe: alias, if there is one wui usability tahoe-webopen new enhancement major
#897 "tahoe backup" thinks "ctime" means "creation time" forward-compatibility docs tahoe-backup time new warner defect major
#914 tahoe backup gives a fatal BackupProcessingError if it sees a file, but the file is deleted before tahoe backs it up tahoe-backup usability error reliability new nobody defect major
#915 the timers used by tahoe backup to trigger repair for unhealthy files should be configurable tahoe-backup preservation usability new defect major
#944 "tahoe mv" doesn't accept just a path as the second argument? tahoe-mv usability error new defect major
#977 backupdb should store which grid it is scoped to tahoe-backup preservation forward-compatibility backupdb assigned davidsarah defect major
#1024 introductory docs are confusing and off-putting docs install packaging website tahoe-run new blaisep defect major
#1071 "No JSON object could be decoded" backtrace on tahoe mv tahoe-mv usability error easy assigned davidsarah defect major
#1112 error message for corrupted caps to {{{tahoe ls}}} is unclear tahoe-ls usability newurls error new defect major
#1299 make 'tahoe debug dump-cap' print attenuated versions of the cap, and give it a better command name tahoe-debug usability new defect major
#1325 make `tahoe backup` keep more filesystem metadata tahoe-backup metadata symlink hardlink new nobody enhancement major
#1331 --verify option for `tahoe backup` tahoe-backup preservation backupdb gridid verify new nobody defect major
#1357 'tahoe mount' command sftp tahoe-mount assigned davidsarah defect major
#1373 'tahoe cp' should not make links to existing immutable files when the encoding parameters have changed tahoe-cp preservation availability rebalancing usability new defect major
#1376 make user-oriented error message for absence of node.url cli usability tahoe-* doc error new defect major
#1511 confusing error message from 'tahoe backup' when source directory doesn't exist error usability tahoe-backup new defect major
#1524 twistd can fail when checking whether a is stale twistd reliability usability tahoe-start unix assigned davidsarah defect major
#2214 DOS defect concerning forged shares DOS security verify tahoe-check new daira defect major
#641 tahoe backup should be able to backup symlinks tahoe-backup symlink reliability news-done new defect normal
#1478 'tahoe create-introducer' should create introducer.furl immediately tahoe-create-introducer usability easy assigned daira enhancement normal
#1597 make 'tahoe cp' support the same '--exclude' options as 'tahoe backup' tahoe-cp usability new enhancement normal
#1855 Potential interaction problem between tahoe backup and virtualbox shared drives on OSX host / debian guest. virtualbox mac tahoe-backup hang new davidsarah defect normal
#1856 add a command-line command for "generate an incident report" easy usability incident cli tahoe-debug new enhancement normal
#1865 backup has over-general exception swallowing that leads to assertion failures. error tahoe-backup new davidsarah defect normal
#1873 add a show-caps command tahoe-ls usability new igor enhancement normal
#1878 tahoe cp -r: add tests for copying cyclic directories tahoe-cp recursive error cycle test-needed new defect normal
#1894 add --interactive and --no-clobber options to 'tahoe cp' interactive no-clobber usability tahoe-cp new defect normal
#1897 CLI: add a way to change an existing alias without directly editing the aliases file cli tahoe-add-alias usability assigned daira defect normal
#1898 deep check on a non-directory gives unhelpful "400 Bad Request" error usability error tahoe-deep-check verify assigned davidsarah defect normal
#1913 unlink many children from a directory at once usability tahoe-unlink new enhancement normal
#1914 tahoe check reports incorrect encoding tahoe-check verify mutable usability new defect normal
#1937 back up the content of a file even if the content changes without changing mtime tahoe-backup reliability preservation new defect normal
#1952 rename "tahoe backup" to "tahoe snapshot" tahoe-backup usability docs new enhancement normal
#2035 "tahoe backup" on the same immutable content when some shares are missing does not repair that content. usability preservation reliability servers-of-happiness repair tahoe-backup performance new defect normal
#2046 Add tahoe cp --children-of option tahoe-cp usability new defect normal
#2047 refactor *Source classes in to have a basename() method rather than passing around (name, source) pairs cleanup tahoe-cp assigned daira defect normal
#2053 make "tahoe backup" avoid "piling up" if the backup job takes longer than the period tahoe-backup new daira enhancement normal
#2062 what happens if a "tahoe backup" process is in progress when another one is started? tahoe-backup new defect normal
#2096 tahoe backup says "WARNING: cannot backup special file" when a file has been moved while it is running tahoe-backup error usability new defect normal
#2109 tahoe deep-check raises MustForceRepairError tahoe-check tahoe-deep-check repair usability error new defect normal
#2135 Add --print-uri option to "tahoe backup" to dump resulting backup URI tahoe-backup backup test-needed easy new amontero enhancement normal
#2146 --autostart tahoe-start usability error quiet git-annex new defect normal
#2195 deep-check ERROR: NoSharesError(no shares (need 1) tahoe-deep-check verify new daira defect normal
#2205 "--help" text confuses dircaps with aliases usability cli tahoe-stats new CyberAxe defect normal
#2236 Skip files with errors, Long files name, too large. Instead of failing the entire process tahoe-backup error cli new Zancas defect normal
#2243 TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' while opening backupdb tahoe-backup backupdb error assigned daira defect normal
#2250 don't re-use metadata from earlier snapshots, in a "tahoe backup" forward-compatibility tahoe-backup metadata new defect normal
#2261 Linux video how to - doesn't show restore/recovery - no info on Aliases how-to video recover restore tahoe-cp recursive new daira defect normal
#2267 exceptions.AttributeError: 'CHKUploadHelper' object has no attribute '_reader' upload upload-helper immutable tahoe-backup new defect normal
#2276 restore from root folder fails on Archive subfolder forward-compatibility backward-compatibility unicode names windows cli tahoe-cp new defect normal
#2332 ls -l doesn't show size of mutable files when listing directories preformance usability tahoe-ls new defect normal
#2338 tahoe backup exits nonzero if there are any symlinks symlink tahoe-backup error assigned daira defect normal
#2404 optionally backup to mutable files/directories tahoe-backup mutable new enhancement normal
#2430 'tahoe backup' and 'tahoe cp' are too slow with lots of small files tahoe-backup tahoe-cp performance new enhancement normal
#2448 `tahoe ls $THING $OTHERTHING` doesn't work tahoe-ls easy usability assigned jbaeth enhancement normal
#2822 remove redundant read from web GET of directory dirnode cache performance tahoe-cp new defect normal
#2823 "tahoe cp FILE ALIAS:" does unnecessary directory reads performance tahoe-cp new defect normal
#2917 `tahoe backup` could easily report size information about the backup performed tahoe-backup new enhancement normal
#2918 `tahoe backup` crashes when an upload operation fails tahoe-backup new defect normal
#2919 Encourage folks to use a third-party backup tool with Tahoe-LAFS integration instead of `tahoe backup` tahoe-backup docs new enhancement normal
#107 command-line: progress indicators tahoe-cp tahoe-check usability assigned zooko enhancement minor
#114 command-line: multiple files at once tahoe-cp usability assigned zooko enhancement minor
#508 'tahoe debug verify-share' command tahoe-debug verify new somebody task minor
#916 "tahoe cp": audit use of "mutable" flag tahoe-cp mutable backward-compatibility new defect minor
#1052 "tahoe backup": report EnvironmentError more precisely error tahoe-backup usability easy assigned davidsarah defect minor
#1533 CLI: the message displayed when already exists refers to --pidfile and --logfile parameters not supported by 'tahoe' twistd error usability tahoe-start new defect minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.