Custom Query (151 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 151)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#879 Random-access download leaks information new somebody defect minor undecided
#907 Stop caps from leaking to phishing-filter servers assigned davidsarah defect minor eventually
#918 Abstraction violations in web/ assigned davidsarah defect minor eventually
#920 mkdir-immutable probably shouldn't implicitly create (mutable) intermediate directories new defect minor eventually
#976 status of mutable file retrieve gives less information than an immutable download new defect minor undecided
#1139 refactor abbreviate utility methods new somebody defect minor eventually
#1148 scripts/ is not tested directly, so can't see coverage assigned davidsarah defect minor soon
#1279 silent failure of bin/tahoe when root partition is out of space? reopened somebody defect minor undecided
#1362 SFTP: should removing a non-empty directory be permitted? new defect minor undecided
#1501 too many source files called,, etc. new somebody defect minor eventually
#1517 don't use IndexError to signal lease not found new defect minor soon
#1533 CLI: the message displayed when already exists refers to --pidfile and --logfile parameters not supported by 'tahoe' new defect minor undecided
#1538 tests should create share files with the same Unix mode bits as a real storage server new somebody defect minor undecided
#1695 #tahoe-lafs IRC logs are not searchable new submusic defect minor undecided
#1736 LAFS does not come with a pony new warner enhancement minor undecided
#1840 CLI: don't allow creating single-letter aliases on Windows assigned davidsarah defect minor soon
#1881 test utility for comparing sets assigned davidsarah defect minor undecided
#1887 naming of expire.cutoff_date option with an underscore is inconsistent new defect minor undecided
#1917 cleanup: be consistent about importing StringIO new davidsarah defect minor undecided
#824 WUI pages lack correct XHTML 1.0 Transitional declarations assigned daira defect normal soon
#925 Information leak to holders of a directory read cap, about whether each dir entry is writeable and the length of its write cap assigned daira defect normal soon
#972 More tests needed for immutable directories assigned davidsarah defect normal soon
#1153 need tests for create-{client, node} with default nodedir assigned davidsarah defect normal soon
#1156 the test_2_good_8_hung_then_1_recovers_* methods in test_hung_server are wrong new somebody defect normal eventually
#1182 clean up and improve asymptotic complexity of Spans and DataSpans assigned zooko defect normal soon
#1285 SFTP: put an approximation of grid capacity and available space in the 'df' output new defect normal undecided
#1393 more detailed breakdown of upload 'Peer Selection' time new somebody defect normal soon
#1408 accounting using bitcoins new somebody defect normal undecided
#1478 'tahoe create-introducer' should create introducer.furl immediately assigned daira enhancement normal soon
#1492 introducer status page is ugly new defect normal soon
#1508 shortcut encryption and erasure coding when a file has already been uploaded new enhancement normal undecided
#1515 more precise progress indication for MDMF retrieve new enhancement normal undecided
#1522 our use of the term "bucket" is ambiguous new somebody defect normal undecided
#1559 in test_download.Corruption.test_each_byte, catalog_detection = True has bitrotted new somebody defect normal eventually
#1563 webapi.rst should have a Change Log section new somebody defect normal undecided
#1597 make 'tahoe cp' support the same '--exclude' options as 'tahoe backup' new enhancement normal undecided
#1629 auto-configuration of tub.location for nodes running on EC2 new enhancement normal undecided
#1645 UnrecoverableFileError HTML message should include a link to check the file new enhancement normal soon
#1666 test that an upload with no Content-Length (and not chunked) gives HTTP 411 Length Required new defect normal soon
#1709 order nodes by nickname instead of peerid on the welcome page new enhancement normal undecided
#1750 times are rounded too coarsely in results pages new defect normal undecided
#1752 are we doing more readvs and writevs than necessary for some CLI or WUI operations? assigned davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1756 MDMF publisher sends duplicate write vector elements new defect normal soon
#1770 always include a useful message in calls to log.err new defect normal soon
#1796 refuse to upload/download a mutable file if it cannot be done in the available memory new defect normal undecided
#1799 Document how to distinguish exceptions from JSON, or encode exceptions as JSON new defect normal undecided
#1814 UploadUnhappinessError despite no apparent refusal of shares new defect normal soon
#1815 either bridge foolscap log messages to twistd.log, or remove the section of logging.rst about that assigned blaisep defect normal undecided
#1816 add a lease renewal method that only renews some shares in a shareset, to be used by repair/rebalancing new warner defect normal undecided
#1831 Google Drive backend new enhancement normal undecided
#1870 leasedb: performance regression new daira defect normal soon
#1878 tahoe cp -r: add tests for copying cyclic directories new defect normal undecided
#1883 design a user survey new defect normal undecided
#1884 mention symlinking the shares directory in configuration.rst assigned blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#1889 allmydata.mutable.common.NotEnoughServersError does not produce a "humanized" failure message new defect normal soon
#1894 add --interactive and --no-clobber options to 'tahoe cp' new defect normal undecided
#1895 implement replace=false for file upload into a mutable directory new davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1897 CLI: add a way to change an existing alias without directly editing the aliases file assigned daira defect normal soon
#1898 deep check on a non-directory gives unhelpful "400 Bad Request" error assigned davidsarah defect normal soon
#1899 make reported max-mutable-share-size have the same semantics as max-immutable-share-size new defect normal soon
#1906 constant-time directory lookup new davidsarah enhancement normal undecided
#1907 Tor over Tahoe-LAFS new enhancement normal undecided
#1929 express documentation for web-API operations in terms of "rooted paths" assigned marlowe defect normal soon
#1930 should ?t=rename be deprecated in favour of ?t=move ? new defect normal soon
#1931 WUI: niggles in the new Welcome page new daira defect normal soon
#1934 abolish timezones new defect normal eventually
#821 A script in a file viewed through the WUI can obtain the file's read cap assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#822 Web API should use a more reliable, out-of-band means of reporting errors (such as a server connection being lost) during a download new defect major soon
#823 WUI server should have a disallow-all robots.txt new defect major undecided
#825 Cannot use WUI to upload a file with a name different to its name in the local filesystem new enhancement major undecided
#826 Rename action in WUI has no confirmation for clobbering another entry new defect major soon
#827 Put file download links ('?save=true') in WUI directory listings assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#839 Copying directories containing caps from the future assigned davidsarah enhancement major soon
#840 Allow all CLI commands to take arguments from stdin or a file, to avoid caps being visible to other local users new enhancement major undecided
#841 Support localization by eliminating hardcoded English strings new somebody defect major eventually
#857 Make operation-handle-querying use only a little memory new nobody defect major undecided
#865 Document current crypto and encoding in detail new ioerror task major eventually
#869 Allow Tahoe filesystem to be run over a different key-value-store / DHT implementation new nobody enhancement major undecided
#870 Prevent socket hijacking on OSes that don't prevent it by default (Windows) assigned davidsarah defect major eventually
#872 Adjust the probability of selecting a node according to its storage capacity (or other fitness measure) new davidsarah enhancement major undecided
#882 Tahoe URIs and gateway URLs are too long and ugly new nobody defect major
#885 Ignore space or %20 in webapi URLs assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#906 ETag support for mutable files and directories new defect major undecided
#913 Support running a storage node per drive easily new nobody enhancement major undecided
#914 tahoe backup gives a fatal BackupProcessingError if it sees a file, but the file is deleted before tahoe backs it up new nobody defect major soon
#915 the timers used by tahoe backup to trigger repair for unhealthy files should be configurable new defect major eventually
#922 The URL of the info page for an unknown dirnode should not grant authority to the containing directory assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#946 upload should succeed as soon as the servers-of-happiness criterion is met new nobody enhancement major undecided
#965 CLI commands should follow HTTP redirects assigned lebek defect major soon
#971 "Humanized failures" should still have a traceback, hidden by default assigned davidsarah enhancement major soon
#975 results of deep-size should include mutable files new defect major soon
#977 backupdb should store which grid it is scoped to assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#994 support precompressed files new somebody enhancement major undecided
#1000 add 'Tahoe Explorer' (JavaScript-based UI) to Tahoe assigned davidsarah enhancement major soon
#1001 test framework for web apps that use JavaScript new davidsarah defect major undecided
#1003 add-lease may fail to mark a node if the path by which it is reachable changes during marking new somebody defect major undecided
#1011 secure decentralized blog new somebody enhancement major undecided
#1035 add API to atomically set a child URI and return both the new child and its metadata new enhancement major soon
#1042 KeyError exception seen in log when doing a mutable publish on the pubgrid new defect major eventually
#1059 sshfs does not wait for an FX_CLOSE request to complete before reporting success from the close new defect major undecided
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