Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1581 Trac file uploads/attachments failing/corrupted zooko defect normal n/a

Status: closed (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1031 support Win64 with MinGW compiler freestorm defect major 1.6.1 wontfix
#1248 move logic for build steps from buildmaster config to misc/build_helpers warner defect normal 1.8.0 wontfix
#1940 trac is rendering git diffs (in attachments) badly? defect normal n/a invalid
#3649 Remove LGTM GitHub <noreply@…> task normal n/a fixed

Status: new (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1530 automated comparative 'k' performance tests and graphs warner task major 1.9.0a1
#2270 Tahoe trac silently fails to add ticket attachments defect major n/a
#1970 trac commit notifications always show the branch as /trunk defect normal 1.10.0
#2049 Decide where "packaging tests" should live. nejucomo task normal 1.10.0
#2140 'Can't synchronize with repository "(default)"' error on projects that still use darcs defect normal n/a
#2314 automate cross-linking between github pull requests and trac issue tickets. defect normal 1.10.0
#2478 back up metadata from github (PRs, commit comments, etc.) task normal n/a
#2764 publish a new (redirecting) `allmydata-tahoe` to PyPI task normal 1.11.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.