Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#2490 anonymous friendly tahoe create-node/create-client warner defect normal 1.10.1 fixed
#2491 synchronous node startup warner task normal 1.10.1 fixed
#2738 stats gatherer should dump something more portable than pickle daira enhancement normal 1.10.2 fixed
#2773 `tahoe create-node` should require `--location` and/or `--hostname`, and not autodetect warner task normal 1.11.0 fixed
#2783 remove key-generator Brian Warner <warner@…> task normal 1.11.0 fixed
#2794 move controlport/logport to a separate Tub (and separate port) warner task normal 1.11.0 fixed
#2809 Should be an error to put in unknown config items meejah defect normal 1.11.0 fixed
#2816 make sure tub.location and tub.port can be empty warner task normal 1.11.0 fixed
#2820 --hide-ip should turn on connections tcp=tor warner enhancement normal 1.11.0 fixed
#2821 make "tahoe create-client --hide-ip" fail if txtorcon/txi2p are not installed warner enhancement normal 1.11.0 fixed
#2824 allow `[connections] tcp = none` ? warner defect normal 1.11.0 fixed
#726 Manhole binding fails silently Lcstyle enhancement minor 1.4.1 fixed
#1754 --tub-location= option for create-introducer, create-client, and create-node enhancement minor 1.9.1 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.