#88 new enhancement

change the name

Reported by: zooko Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Version: 0.5.29 Keywords:
Cc: Launchpad Bug:


I'm going to change the name from "pycryptopp". You can't stop me. Reason: people confuse it with "PyCrypto". Other reason: it is less and less based on Crypto++.

I'm going to pick a new name, and there's a good chance you'll hate it. You can't stop that either.

The current leading candidate is "crpyto". I think it is hilarious, and I don't care if people typo it.

I guess I'll mark this ticket as "enhancement"...

Change History (1)

comment:1 in reply to: ↑ description Changed at 2013-04-19T23:38:15Z by daira

Replying to zooko:

The current leading candidate is "crpyto".

I hate it. *Please* can we have something I can actually remember and not automatically mistype? (I don't have many requirements apart from that.)

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