[tahoe-dev] dev workflow: how to go from a patch to its review?

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko at zooko.com
Sun Nov 18 13:51:08 UTC 2012


I'm reviewing the patches for #1818. This is a big step in
LeastAuthority.com's work for DARPA on Redundant Array of Independent

Along the way, I happened to look at this recent patch, even though it
isn't actually part of #1818:


As I've mentioned in the comments on that patch on github, I'd like to
be able to tell if a given patch was reviewed, and if it was to find
the review notes. I think there are some parts of that patch that are
either bugs or at least insufficiently documented to explain to *me*
why they are good changes. So the question is: how can we organize our
workflow so that people can figure out whether a given patch was
reviewed or not, and if it was, find the review? And do so, of course,
efficiently so that this doesn't add too much friction to our

I'm willing to rely on github for this, if there isn't a low-friction
way to accomplish it without becoming reliant on github. :-/



https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1818# leasedb: track
leases in a sqlite database, not inside shares

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