[tahoe-dev] newbie question

markus reichelt ml at mareichelt.com
Mon Jul 30 17:58:54 UTC 2012

* Two Spirit <twospirit6905 at gmail.com> wrote:

> > By default, tahoe looks in $HOME/.tahoo (I think).  So you'll
> > have to be careful about root vs non-root.
> always a good rule not to run as root, but when I create file
> systems, I'm usually root, so I think this would be good to put a
> short warning in the quickstart.

Negative, ghostrider. If you run something as root, you are expected
to know what you are doing.

What would your idea of said short warning look like?

(And this isn't really about running things as root, is it?)

> > If you make a directory in other than the standard place
> > ($HOME/.tahoe), you'll need to use "-d nodedir".  Note that the
> > syntax is
> >   tahoe maincommand -d $nodedir --other-options
> > rather than the -d being first.
> Now seriously, is this a feature, not a bug?

It's just a simple spoon, but it looks like a bug to you and a
feature to the rest of us.  Seriously ;-)

left blank, right bald
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