source: trunk/haskell/Codec/FEC.hs

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1{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls #-}
2-- |
3-- Module:    Codec.FEC
4-- Copyright: Adam Langley
5-- License:   GPLv2+|TGPPLv1+ (see README.rst for details)
7-- Stability: experimental
9-- The module provides k of n encoding - a way to generate (n - k) secondary
10-- blocks of data from k primary blocks such that any k blocks (primary or
11-- secondary) are sufficient to regenerate all blocks.
13-- All blocks must be the same length and you need to keep track of which
14-- blocks you have in order to tell decode. By convention, the blocks are
15-- numbered 0..(n - 1) and blocks numbered < k are the primary blocks.
17module Codec.FEC (
18    FECParams
19  , fec
20  , encode
21  , decode
23  -- * Utility functions
24  , secureDivide
25  , secureCombine
26  , enFEC
27  , deFEC
28  ) where
30import qualified Data.ByteString as B
31import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU
32import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
33import Data.Word (Word8)
34import Data.Bits (xor)
35import Data.List (sortBy, partition, (\\), nub)
36import Foreign.Ptr
37import Foreign.Storable (sizeOf, poke)
38import Foreign.ForeignPtr
39import Foreign.C.Types
40import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
41import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArray, advancePtr)
42import System.IO (withFile, IOMode(..))
43import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
45data CFEC
46data FECParams = FECParams (ForeignPtr CFEC) Int Int
48instance Show FECParams where
49  show (FECParams _ k n) = "FEC (" ++ show k ++ ", " ++ show n ++ ")"
51foreign import ccall unsafe "fec_new" _new :: CUInt  -- ^ k
52                                           -> CUInt  -- ^ n
53                                           -> IO (Ptr CFEC)
54foreign import ccall unsafe "&fec_free" _free :: FunPtr (Ptr CFEC -> IO ())
55foreign import ccall unsafe "fec_encode" _encode :: Ptr CFEC
56                                                 -> Ptr (Ptr Word8)  -- ^ primary blocks
57                                                 -> Ptr (Ptr Word8)  -- ^ (output) secondary blocks
58                                                 -> Ptr CUInt  -- ^ array of secondary block ids
59                                                 -> CSize  -- ^ length of previous
60                                                 -> CSize  -- ^ block length
61                                                 -> IO ()
62foreign import ccall unsafe "fec_decode" _decode :: Ptr CFEC
63                                                 -> Ptr (Ptr Word8)  -- ^ input blocks
64                                                 -> Ptr (Ptr Word8)  -- ^ output blocks
65                                                 -> Ptr CUInt  -- ^ array of input indexes
66                                                 -> CSize  -- ^ block length
67                                                 -> IO ()
69-- | Return true if the given @k@ and @n@ values are valid
70isValidConfig :: Int -> Int -> Bool
71isValidConfig k n
72  | k >= n = False
73  | k < 1 = False
74  | n < 1 = False
75  | n > 255 = False
76  | otherwise = True
78-- | Return a FEC with the given parameters.
79fec :: Int  -- ^ the number of primary blocks
80    -> Int  -- ^ the total number blocks, must be < 256
81    -> FECParams
82fec k n =
83  if not (isValidConfig k n)
84     then error $ "Invalid FEC parameters: " ++ show k ++ " " ++ show n
85     else unsafePerformIO (do
86       cfec <- _new (fromIntegral k) (fromIntegral n)
87       params <- newForeignPtr _free cfec
88       return $ FECParams params k n)
90-- | Create a C array of unsigned from an input array
91uintCArray :: [Int] -> ((Ptr CUInt) -> IO a) -> IO a
92uintCArray xs f = withArray (map fromIntegral xs) f
94-- | Convert a list of ByteStrings to an array of pointers to their data
95byteStringsToArray :: [B.ByteString] -> ((Ptr (Ptr Word8)) -> IO a) -> IO a
96byteStringsToArray inputs f = do
97  let l = length inputs
98  allocaBytes (l * sizeOf (undefined :: Ptr Word8)) (\array -> do
99    let inner _ [] = f array
100        inner array' (bs : bss) = BU.unsafeUseAsCString bs (\ptr -> do
101          poke array' $ castPtr ptr
102          inner (advancePtr array' 1) bss)
103    inner array inputs)
105-- | Return True iff all the given ByteStrings are the same length
106allByteStringsSameLength :: [B.ByteString] -> Bool
107allByteStringsSameLength [] = True
108allByteStringsSameLength (bs : bss) = all ((==) (B.length bs)) $ map B.length bss
110-- | Run the given function with a pointer to an array of @n@ pointers to
111--   buffers of size @size@. Return these buffers as a list of ByteStrings
112createByteStringArray :: Int  -- ^ the number of buffers requested
113                      -> Int  -- ^ the size of each buffer
114                      -> ((Ptr (Ptr Word8)) -> IO ())
115                      -> IO [B.ByteString]
116createByteStringArray n size f = do
117  allocaBytes (n * sizeOf (undefined :: Ptr Word8)) (\array -> do
118    allocaBytes (n * size) (\ptr -> do
119      mapM_ (\i -> poke (advancePtr array i) (advancePtr ptr (size * i))) [0..(n - 1)]
120      f array
121      mapM (\i -> B.packCStringLen (castPtr $ advancePtr ptr (i * size), size)) [0..(n - 1)]))
123-- | Generate the secondary blocks from a list of the primary blocks. The
124--   primary blocks must be in order and all of the same size. There must be
125--   @k@ primary blocks.
126encode :: FECParams
127       -> [B.ByteString]  -- ^ a list of @k@ input blocks
128       -> [B.ByteString]  -- ^ (n - k) output blocks
129encode (FECParams params k n) inblocks
130  | length inblocks /= k = error "Wrong number of blocks to FEC encode"
131  | not (allByteStringsSameLength inblocks) = error "Not all inputs to FEC encode are the same length"
132  | otherwise = unsafePerformIO (do
133      let sz = B.length $ head inblocks
134      withForeignPtr params (\cfec -> do
135        byteStringsToArray inblocks (\src -> do
136          createByteStringArray (n - k) sz (\fecs -> do
137            uintCArray [k..(n - 1)] (\block_nums -> do
138              _encode cfec src fecs block_nums (fromIntegral (n - k)) $ fromIntegral sz)))))
140-- | A sort function for tagged assoc lists
141sortTagged :: [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)]
142sortTagged = sortBy (\a b -> compare (fst a) (fst b))
144-- | Reorder the given list so that elements with tag numbers < the first
145--   argument have an index equal to their tag number (if possible)
146reorderPrimaryBlocks :: Int -> [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)]
147reorderPrimaryBlocks n blocks = inner (sortTagged pBlocks) sBlocks [] where
148  (pBlocks, sBlocks) = partition (\(tag, _) -> tag < n) blocks
149  inner [] sBlocks acc = acc ++ sBlocks
150  inner pBlocks [] acc = acc ++ pBlocks
151  inner pBlocks@((tag, a) : ps) sBlocks@(s : ss) acc =
152    if length acc == tag
153       then inner ps sBlocks (acc ++ [(tag, a)])
154       else inner pBlocks ss (acc ++ [s])
156-- | Recover the primary blocks from a list of @k@ blocks. Each block must be
157--   tagged with its number (see the module comments about block numbering)
158decode :: FECParams
159       -> [(Int, B.ByteString)]  -- ^ a list of @k@ blocks and their index
160       -> [B.ByteString]  -- ^ a list the @k@ primary blocks
161decode (FECParams params k n) inblocks
162  | length (nub $ map fst inblocks) /= length (inblocks) = error "Duplicate input blocks in FEC decode"
163  | any (\f -> f < 0 || f >= n) $ map fst inblocks = error "Invalid block numbers in FEC decode"
164  | length inblocks /= k = error "Wrong number of blocks to FEC decode"
165  | not (allByteStringsSameLength $ map snd inblocks) = error "Not all inputs to FEC decode are same length"
166  | otherwise = unsafePerformIO (do
167      let sz = B.length $ snd $ head inblocks
168          inblocks' = reorderPrimaryBlocks k inblocks
169          presentBlocks = map fst inblocks'
170      withForeignPtr params (\cfec -> do
171        byteStringsToArray (map snd inblocks') (\src -> do
172          b <- createByteStringArray (n - k) sz (\out -> do
173                 uintCArray presentBlocks (\block_nums -> do
174                   _decode cfec src out block_nums $ fromIntegral sz))
175          let blocks = [0..(n - 1)] \\ presentBlocks
176              tagged = zip blocks b
177              allBlocks = sortTagged $ tagged ++ inblocks'
178          return $ take k $ map snd allBlocks)))
180-- | Break a ByteString into @n@ parts, equal in length to the original, such
181--   that all @n@ are required to reconstruct the original, but having less
182--   than @n@ parts reveals no information about the orginal.
184--   This code works in IO monad because it needs a source of random bytes,
185--   which it gets from /dev/urandom. If this file doesn't exist an
186--   exception results
188--   Not terribly fast - probably best to do it with short inputs (e.g. an
189--   encryption key)
190secureDivide :: Int  -- ^ the number of parts requested
191             -> B.ByteString  -- ^ the data to be split
192             -> IO [B.ByteString]
193secureDivide n input
194  | n < 0 = error "secureDivide called with negative number of parts"
195  | otherwise = withFile "/dev/urandom" ReadMode (\handle -> do
196      let inner 1 bs = return [bs]
197          inner n bs = do
198            mask <- B.hGet handle (B.length bs)
199            let masked = B.pack $ B.zipWith xor bs mask
200            rest <- inner (n - 1) masked
201            return (mask : rest)
202      inner n input)
204-- | Reverse the operation of secureDivide. The order of the inputs doesn't
205--   matter, but they must all be the same length
206secureCombine :: [B.ByteString] -> B.ByteString
207secureCombine [] = error "Passed empty list of inputs to secureCombine"
208secureCombine [a] = a
209secureCombine [a, b] = B.pack $ B.zipWith xor a b
210secureCombine (a : rest) = B.pack $ B.zipWith xor a $ secureCombine rest
212-- | A utility function which takes an arbitary input and FEC encodes it into a
213--   number of blocks. The order the resulting blocks doesn't matter so long
214--   as you have enough to present to @deFEC@.
215enFEC :: Int  -- ^ the number of blocks required to reconstruct
216      -> Int  -- ^ the total number of blocks
217      -> B.ByteString  -- ^ the data to divide
218      -> [B.ByteString]  -- ^ the resulting blocks
219enFEC k n input = taggedPrimaryBlocks ++ taggedSecondaryBlocks where
220  taggedPrimaryBlocks = map (uncurry B.cons) $ zip [0..] primaryBlocks
221  taggedSecondaryBlocks = map (uncurry B.cons) $ zip [(fromIntegral k)..] secondaryBlocks
222  remainder = B.length input `mod` k
223  paddingLength = if remainder >= 1 then (k - remainder) else k
224  paddingBytes = (B.replicate (paddingLength - 1) 0) `B.append` (B.singleton $ fromIntegral paddingLength)
225  divide a bs
226    | B.null bs = []
227    | otherwise = (B.take a bs) : (divide a $ B.drop a bs)
228  input' = input `B.append` paddingBytes
229  blockSize = B.length input' `div` k
230  primaryBlocks = divide blockSize input'
231  secondaryBlocks = encode params primaryBlocks
232  params = fec k n
234-- | Reverses the operation of @enFEC@.
235deFEC :: Int  -- ^ the number of blocks required (matches call to @enFEC@)
236      -> Int  -- ^ the total number of blocks (matches call to @enFEC@)
237      -> [B.ByteString]  -- ^ a list of k, or more, blocks from @enFEC@
238      -> B.ByteString
239deFEC k n inputs
240  | length inputs < k = error "Too few inputs to deFEC"
241  | otherwise = B.take (B.length fecOutput - paddingLength) fecOutput where
242      paddingLength = fromIntegral $ B.last fecOutput
243      inputs' = take k inputs
244      taggedInputs = map (\bs -> (fromIntegral $ B.head bs, B.tail bs)) inputs'
245      fecOutput = B.concat $ decode params taggedInputs
246      params = fec k n
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