= Weekly Meeting = There is a weekly conference call using [https://www.google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts/ Google Hangout]. The agenda is set prior to each meeting and is focused on topics directly relevant to Tahoe-LAFS development. The connection URL is posted on this page and IRC shortly before the meeting. ||= Who =||Core developers or interested community members|| ||= What =||Dev Topics Meeting|| ||= When =||Each Tuesday, 17:30-18:30Z|| ||= Where =||Google Hangout, IRC fallback (see below)|| ||= Why =||Voice/video interaction complements IRC/mailing list|| ||= How =||See Agenda below|| == Etiquette == * Strive to follow the established agenda. * Participants may have high latency; if you'd like to speak, say turn or raise your hand and wait for silence. * Be respectful. == Agenda == Next week, 2012-10-23, Agenda is not set. == Notes / Archives == === 2012-10-16 === Topics: Proof-of-Retrievability