Changes between Version 228 and Version 229 of WeeklyMeeting

2024-04-09T19:12:43Z (9 months ago)



  • WeeklyMeeting

    v228 v229  
    1919== Notes from 2024 Meetings
     21== April 9, 2024
     23attendees: meejah, hacklschorsch, ccx, chris, b3n
     25hacklschorsch: macbook, trying to ... do haskell stuff? (GHC 8.6 works?) so trying to get Obsidian / Obelisk working on\
     26 mac (to be able to build "the mobile GUI"
     28(meejah provides quick overview of the Haskell Tahoe client stuff we have)
     30chris / cypher: released Rust library for deterministic RSA keys from BIP32-like words; working towards making one's ow\
     31n mutable RSA key; some future pairing possibly around the Python API etc.
     33b3n: working towards Trac removal; need the dump of database + content of folder; "just make a tarball of the trac user\
     34 folder" (plus database dump)
     36flo: there's "trac-export.db.bz2" served from (which we should _probably_ delete)
     38b3n: there's "trac-admin auth-copy" which should work
     40meejah: magic-wormhole release, some haskell magic-wormhole; what about hmac stuff? A not-python version?
     43chris: yeah .. thinking of ways of facilitating different implementations; tahoe libraries?
     45ccx: ocamljs exists
     47flo: can we do a read-only browser client to tahoe-lafs?
     49-> preserves and syndicate -- #preserves channel on Libera
     51Nim, syndicate -- original impl was in.
     53Someone is working on a DBUS-like thing on top of PostmarketOS (Alpine with "stuff for phones"). Pub/sub.
     55ccx: when thinking of a "lightweight" phone client, something like 9p or something to "a node" (i.e. a real tahoe node)
     56    e.g. do "everything except decryption" on "the node".
     59meejah: sounds interesting! like a "medium-level" API, something like "please assemble this ciphertext, and give it to \
     60me" so that the client doesn't reveal the "full capability", it stays on the phone.
     62(some discussion of Web browsers etc)
     64chris: browser extension, maybe? There's also "sub-source reliability" (??)
     66ccx: can use browser for some stuff (less-sensitive data, across more people)
     68meejah: just trying to contextualize a bunch of this stuff, and it's important to understand what is possible (and not \
     69possible) these days. Agoric has done some thinking around this.
     71ccx: also
     73(meejah aside: sandstorm doesn't (didn't) have accounts, really, just email address .. wonder if they still have that?)
     75ccx: still grieving death of CloudABI -- extension of capsicum to make a unix-link system on top of FreeBSD.
    2178== April 2, 2024