= About = The volunteergrid is a tahoe storage grid from users for users. Contrary to the TestGrid–which may be flushed at any time for development/testing reasons–the volunteergrid is meant as a stable alternative to the commercial [http://allmydata.com/ allmydata.com grid]. It was [http://allmydata.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2009-February/001248.html proposed by Eugene L.] in February 2009 and an introducer [http://allmydata.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2009-February/001341.html was set up] by Zooko after the idea received a fair amount of praise. There are usually between 15 and 20 active server nodes, but new nodes are always welcome. = Setting up a volunteergrid (storage) node = * Follow the [http://allmydata.org/source/tahoe/trunk/docs/install.html install instructions] * If your storage server is behind a firewall/NAT, please set up port forwarding to your ''tub.port'' and point ''tub.location'' to your external IP address (see [http://allmydata.org/source/tahoe/trunk/docs/configuration.txt configuration]). * Set your introducer.furl to ''pb://6cypm5tfsv6ag43g3j5z74qx5nfxa2qq@,nooxie.zooko.com:64228/introducer'' * Please subscribe to the [http://allmydata.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/volunteergrid-l volunteergrid-l] mailing list - it is very low-traffic but might feature important announcements. * Add your node to the [http://webcontent.osm.lab.rfc822.org/tahoe/ map]. = Best practices = * If you destroy data (by accident or decision), let us know! Please inform us on the mailing list or ping us on IRC. * Please provide at least as much space as you use. (Don't forget to consider the redundancy factor: If you upload 1 GB of data, the grid will receive 3.33 GB of encoded data (3-of-10 encoding = 10/3 x file size = 3.33 x file size).) = Links = * [http://webcontent.osm.lab.rfc822.org/tahoe/ Map of servers and people involved with the volunteergrid] * [http://nooxie.zooko.com:9797/ Introducer web interface] provided by Zooko * [http://secorp.net:8123 Public web interface (secorp.net)] provided by Peter, the CEO of allmydata.com * [http://tahoe.soultcer.net Public web interface (soultcer.net)] provided by David T. = Servers = == Introducer (nooxie.zooko.com) == nooxie is located in a co-lo in San Francisco. It is an athlon64 server running release "NCP1" of Nexenta GNU/OpenSolaris (http://nexenta.org ). It has two identical SATA drives of about 33 GB capacity each in a ZFS RAID-Z mirror, at the time of this writing about 5 GB free. Its uptime is (on 2009-07-11), 72 days, which is when we upgraded it to Nexenta NCP1 final from an early beta release of Nexenta NCP1. uname -a says: {{{SunOS nooxie 5.11 NexentaOS_20080312 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris}}} == Storage Nodes == || '''Name''' || '''Admin contact''' || '''Location''' || '''Notes/Status''' || || aogail-volunteergrid @ tigard.w007.org || allmydata (at) w007.org || Tigard, OR, USA || yukyuk (Zooko's amd64 linux workstation) || IRC: zooko / zooko(at)zooko.com || Boulder, CO, USA || workstation -- DSL line (896 Kbps up according to Qwest, 686 Kbps up according to http://speedtest.allmydata.com) || ootles (Zooko's Macbook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo laptop) || IRC: zooko / zooko(at)zooko.com || Boulder, CO, USA || laptop (when it is at home, same DSL line as yukyuk) || draco (Zooko's Mac/PPC 867 MHz laptop) || IRC: zooko / zooko(at)zooko.com || Valhalla || [http://allmydata.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2009-July/002211.html dead until further notice] || francois1(at)tahoe.ctrlaltdel.ch || francois(at)ctrlaltdel.ch || Lausanne, Switzerland || || imp-ap01|| IRC: ndurner || Germany || || trelbox || IRC: terrell/trel1023 || Chapel Hill, NC, USA || iMac on cable modem (359 kbps up via speedtest.allmydata.com) || ndurdner || IRC: ndurner || Germany || Workstation via cable modem (40 KB/s up) || SECORP_DOT_NET_<01-04> || IRC: secorp || ?? || read-only || stockrt-terra || ?? || ?? || || trid<0,1> || david(at)triendl.name/IRC: soultcer || [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zirl,_Austria Austria] || || tahoe.soultcer.net || david(at)triendl.name/IRC: soultcer || France || Feel free to use as [http://tahoe.soultcer.net/static/helper.furl helper] or [http://tahoe.soultcer.net/ web gateway] || kpreid@slimy || kpreid@{{{}}}mac.com || USA || || kpreid@eider || kpreid@{{{}}}mac.com || USA || Typically behind NAT, expect connection failures for now = mystery storage servers = The following appear in the introducer's list (on 2009-07-11) but have not been listed by their owners in ''storage servers'' above: || Nickname || PeerID || Connected? || since || First Announced || Version || || struc.tv || gapnio7pehmn7qiibaavkqfpkhp36be2 || Yes: to || 14:41:04 11-Jul-2009 || 14:41:03 11-Jul-2009 || 0 || warner@cookies || tkl7xc45zqqz7ss2pc62epksxd7emb3m || No || 14:59:40 11-Jul-2009 || 14:41:03 11-Jul-2009 || 0 || civodul || 4up6nzffykkpimufzil2e77heuasarvd || No || 14:59:40 11-Jul-2009 || 14:41:03 11-Jul-2009 || 0