Version 137 (modified by zooko, at 2010-07-11T05:15:22Z) (diff) |
Tickets by Component
- code
- code (general) (113 open tickets)
- code-dirnodes (19)
- code-encoding (54)
- frontend
- code-frontend (general) (26)
- code-frontend-cli (111)
- code-frontend-web (176)
- code-mutable (54)
- code-network (68)
- code-nodeadmin (39)
- code-peerselection (20)
- code-storage (52)
- documentation (68) -- deprecated, use docs keyword (76)
- packaging (37)
- contrib (6)
- dev-infrastructure (52)
- operational (11)
- website (9)
- uncategorized
- unknown (239)
See ComponentDefinitions for an explanation of what each component means.
Special Tickets
- review-needed (148): tickets with a patch that wants to be reviewed (see PatchReviewProcess)
- reviewed (0): tickets with a patch reviewed and waiting to be committed
- easy (49): this issue represents some low-hanging (coding) fruit
- regression (10): regressions relative to a previous release, or previous state of the development infrastructure
- all open tickets, most recent first (1182)
- tickets owned by you (if logged in)
- gsoc (6): could be part of a suitable Google Summer of Code project
(Each keyword links to all of the open tickets mentioning that keyword. Some of the keywords are new, and existing tickets may not have been changed to use them.)
- integrity (32): could lead to the unintended alteration of data
- confidentiality (28): could lead to the unintended disclosure of file contents
- capleak (23): could lead to the unintended disclosure of capabilities
- privacy (23): could lead to the unintended disclosure of information other than file contents (e.g. how many files of what size you access at what times, the shape of your directory graph, the fact that you run a Tahoe-LAFS client or storage server, etc.)
- security (56): security issues not necessarily tagged with a more specific keyword (confidentiality, integrity, etc.)
- preservation (44): could lead to unintended loss of (failure to preserve) data
- availability (43): could lead to a temporary condition of being unable to read or write to the filesystem
- reliability (38): could lead to unpredictable failure of functionality
- scalability (16): scaling to large and/or geographically dispersed storage grids, or to high traffic volumes or numbers of clients
- forward-compatibility (24): relevant to forward compatibility of stored data or caps with future Tahoe versions
- unicode (9): related to Unicode
- i18n (7): related to internationalization (usually also to Unicode)
- usability (205): concerned with ease of use (interface or mental models)
- error (103): concerned with error reporting to end-users
- install (8): installation problems
- docs (76): fixing this issue involves updating documentation
- test (71): additional or better test coverage needed
- performance (119): an opportunity to improve some aspect of performance (speed, latency, bandwidth, space usage, etc.)
- memory (22): an opportunity to improve memory usage (should usually also be tagged as 'performance')
- space-efficiency (14): an opportunity to improve space-efficiency of stored files
- extensibility (4): extensibility and customization mechanisms
- hang (15): could cause an operation to hang, either indefinitely or for long periods
- large (8): affecting large files or directories
- ucwe (10): an UncoordinatedWriteError is triggered when it should not be, or vice versa
- newcaps (36): relevant to NewCapDesign
- newurls (22): relevant to improvements in encoding caps as URLs
- firewall (11): firewall and NAT traversal issues
- standards (16): compliance to standards (HTTP, HTML etc.)
- heisenbug (7): bugs that are not easily reproducible so far
- cleanup (23): code clean-up / refactoring
- no keywords (306): open tickets with no keywords
Combined queries:
- tickets tagged 'integrity', 'confidentiality', 'privacy' or 'security' (105)
- tickets tagged 'reliability', 'availability' or 'preservation' (103)
- tickets tagged 'performance', 'memory', 'space-efficiency' or 'scalability' (139)
- tickets tagged 'i18n' or 'unicode' (11)
Platform keywords
- unix (9): all Unices
- debian (4): Debian Linux
- ubuntu (2): Ubuntu Linux
- gentoo (0): Gentoo Linux
- centos (0): CentOS Linux
- nixos (0): NixOS Linux
- windows (14): Windows (native or not compiler-specific)
- cygwin (1): Windows using cygwin
- mac (5): Mac OS X
- x86 (0): x86 processors
- x86-64 (0): x86-64 processors
- ppc (0): PowerPC processors
- arm (1): ARM processors
- helper (18): related to helper function
- repair (38): related to repair function
- verify (20): related to verification
- introducer, introduction (20): related to the existing introducer, or to node introduction in general
- upload (81): related to file upload
- download (41): related to file download
- cache (8): related to caching
- alias (7): related to aliases
- metadata (11): related to metadata
- leases (17): related to leases or garbage collection
- accounting (19): related to storage accounting
- logging (21): related to logging
- ophandle (2): related to operation handles
- statistics (28): related to usage statistics
- http (22): related to the HTTP protocol
- i2p (6): running Tahoe over I2P
- tor (21): running Tahoe over Tor
- tahoe-cp (19): tahoe cp command
- tahoe-ls (4): tahoe ls command
- tahoe-rm (0): tahoe rm command
- tahoe-mv (3): tahoe mv command
- tahoe-check (7): tahoe check command
- tahoe-backup (36): tahoe backup command
- tahoe-* (86): all tahoe commands
Frontends and applications
- wui (72): Web user interface
- fuse (10): FUSE filesystem interface
- smb (3): SMB filesystem interface (WinFUSE)
- ftpd (7): FTP frontend
- sftp (36): SFTP frontend
- sshfs (9): filesystem access via sshfs
- webdav (5): (hypothetical) WebDAV frontend
- jsui (4): JavaScript (probably Cajita) user interface
- webdrive (0): webdrive user interface
- iphone (0): iPhone client
- music (2): Cloud music player
- pycryptopp (2): pycryptopp library
- zfec (2): zfec library
- foolscap (21): foolscap library
- openssl (2): openssl library
- twisted (17): twisted library
- pycrypto-lib (1): pycrypto library (not to be confused with pycryptopp)
- setuptools (6): setuptools/zetuptoolz/distribute packaging
Development infrastructure
- darcs (0): darcs revision control system
- trac (11): trac bug tracker and wiki
- coverage (2): test coverage analyzer
- buildbot (0): automated builds
- munin (1): munin plugins
- irc (2): IRC bots for #tahoe-lafs channel
- release (3): related to the release process
Tickets by Milestone
- undecided or blank (714)
- soon (279)
- eventually (103)
- 2.0.0 (0)
- 1.8.0 (0)
- 1.7.1 (0)
- 1.7.0 (0)
- closed since 1.6.1 (50)
- closed in 1.6.1 (7)
- closed in 1.6.0 (50)