There are several ways that people might want to use Tahoe: (This Wiki page was originally inspired by [ this discussion on the tahoe-dev list]) 1. groups of friends who want to share backup and file-sharing 1. Allmydata, Inc. operating a storage grid on corporately owned servers 3. system administrators who want to experiment with it for backup 4. Allmydata, Inc. and its customers operating a storage grid including the customer's computers 5. a large, diverse ecosystem of selfish or mutually suspicious people and organizations who want a storage service with extremely high reliability and availability [[Image(]] Use Cases ||__name__||__number of nodes__||__administrative domains__||__node capacity__||__node availability__||__churn__|| ||friendnet||2-10||many trusted domains||mixed||it depends on the friends...||low|| ||sysadmin||2-10||one domain||uniform||uniform||high||low|| more to come...