
Version 6 (modified by marlowe, at 2011-07-10T02:37:41Z) (diff)


The Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News

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issue number 6July 9, 2011Tahoe-LAFS Summit, Tahoe on Plug Computers, Tahoe-LAFS Android client, Web API blacklist, more
issue number 5July 4, 2011Tahoe-LAFS Summit, Least Authority Enterprises, tiddly_on_tahoe, Nilestore, more
issue number 4June 26, 2011Tahoe-LAFS in Debian, Summit Imminent, interview with Patrick, pubgrid gets a DMCA takedown, more
issue number 3June 17, 2011Summit Schedule posted, interview with Peter, write-only backup cap
issue number 2June 9, 2011testgrid management, access control, Bitcoin bounty, interview with Kevan
issue number 1May 28, 20111.9.0 planning, reviewers-needed, summit planning, volunteergrid2, webdrive, iphone client, Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News, git-annex