
Version 7 (modified by hacklschorsch, at 2024-07-23T17:45:43Z) (diff)

Be more clear about what kind of grid we mean by "arbitrary"

Tahoe-LAFS Mobile

As announced to the tahoe-dev mailing list, Least Authority is working, since 2024-04, on a mobile client application for Tahoe-LAFS:

  • Mobile app:
    • start with the "PrivateStorage Mobile" android-only read-only app
    • support arbitrary grids
    • port to iOS
    • add upload
  • The mentioned "PrivateStorage Mobile" app can be found here.
  • The work on changing that into an app that works with arbitrary grids, also works on iOS and can upload to Tahoe happens here (Code repo, milestones, issue tracker).
  • The application is building on the new Haskell client library.


The milestones should reflect the current state.

  • We first want to be able to read files from non-Private.Storage tahoe-lafs storage servers (for now, a file with a list of storage servers is fine)
  • Also on iOS.
  • We want to be able to save files to the grid (this is a big one, as the Haskell protocol stack is missing most of this so far)
  • Integration with the OSses (Android, iOS) to be able to open files from and share files to the app
  • Would be nice to also get a working in-browser client out of this (The framework in use supports that in theory)


  • Be a storage server/join a grid as a storage node
  • Fix introducers to work with GBS instead of Fools Cap (so far: Just list the storage servers you want to use)
  • ...