
Version 5 (modified by meejah, at 2016-10-18T17:29:30Z) (diff)


The (November) 2016 Tahoe-LAFS Summit

This is a loosely organized gathering of Tahoe-LAFS developers, enthusiasts, and perhaps some hecklers.

Dates / Location

Tuesday+Wednesday 2016-11-08 and 2016-11-09, 9am-5pm.

We're meeting in the "Board Room" of the Mechanics Institute Library, 57 Post St, San Francisco, CA (next to the Montgomery St BART station).

The room has wifi, a whiteboard, and a projector screen. Brian will bring a small projector. There are plenty of restaurants and bars nearby for later in the evening.

We'll try to set up videochat so remote folks can join in the fun: contact us on IRC (#tahoe-lafs on freenode) and we'll make something work.


(please add your name!)

For sure:

  • Brian
  • Daira
  • meejah


  • Liz
  • David?
  • Zooko?

Agenda Items

(please add things you want to talk about)

  • 1.12 release items
  • (daira) 2-phase commit
  • (warner) (meejah) Accounting
  • (warner) compelling applications
  • (meejah) magic-wormhole based "setup" flow
  • (meejah) integration (with other applications)
    • write down use-cases
    • e.g. what sorts of grids are there etc.
  • (meejah) GUI (/WUI/CLI) things (e.g moar JSON endpoints, ...)
  • (meejah) allow/deny storage servers (i.e. I want a grid where only "my" storage servers are used)

things referred to during the Summit

  • (notes to be added here)