54 | | * [http://labs.mozilla.com/projects/weave Mozilla Weave] is a project to securely share your web browser metadata such as cookies, saved passwords, and bookmarks. |
55 | | * [http://incubator.apache.org/cassandra/ Cassandra] is a distributed database, based on the Amazon Dynamo design. licence: Apache Software Licence v2.0 |
56 | | * [http://ceph.newdream.net/about ceph] is a distributed filesystem intended to be scalable and robust. It includes kernel code to be loaded into a Linux kernel. There are several peer-reviewed papers about the design. licence: LGPL |
57 | | * [http://irods.org iRODS] is an open source grid technology building on top of 10 years of work on SRB (storage resource broker). Development of the core iRODS data grid system is funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Archives and Records Administration. license: BSD |
58 | | * [http://gnunet.org GNUnet] is an anonymous, censorship-resistant, file-sharing network. licence: GPLv2+ |
| 57 | * [http://ceph.newdream.net/about ceph] is a distributed filesystem intended to be scalable and robust. It includes kernel code to be loaded into a Linux kernel. There are several peer-reviewed papers about the design. licence: LGPL |
| 58 | * [http://irods.org iRODS] is an open source grid technology. Development is funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Archives and Records Administration. license: BSD |
59 | 59 | * [http://hadoop.apache.org/core/ Hadoop] is open source, inspired by the Google File System, written in Java, supported by Yahoo, and seems to have broad acceptance among programmers (at least compared to the alternatives). licence: Apache Software Licence v2.0 |
60 | 60 | * [http://kosmosfs.sourceforge.net CloudStore] formerly known as "Kosmos Distributed File System" -- is open source, inspired by the Google File System and written in C++. licence: Apache Software Licence v2.0 |
61 | 61 | * [http://www.danga.com/mogilefs/ mogilefs] is open source, inspired by the Google File System, written in Perl and uses MySQL. It was written by the folks who made [http://livejournal.com LiveJournal]. The name is an anagram for "OMG files". licence: some combination of BSD and GPL and Artistic. |