= Tahoe-LAFS Local Plugins = 1. Overview 2. Current Plugins 3. Obsolete Plugins 4. Testing == Overview == This is the README for munin local plugins for Tahoe-LAFS (see ticket #966). These plugins are used with Tahoe-LAFS grids that do not use a stats-gatherer. Some plugins use json url and others need local access to the storage directory (needs a new column in the table below). For configuration information, please see each individual plugin. == Current Plugins == || tahoe_files || Shows the number of files hosted by this node's storage server || || tahoe_diskfelt || Shows how much free space is left on all disks across the grid || || tahoe_diskusage || Shows the estimated disk usage per unit time, totaled across all storage servers || || tahoe_diskused || Shows the total amount of disk space used across the grid || || tahoe_disktotal || Shows the total amount of disk space present in the grid, and how much of it is currently being used || || tahoe_doomsday || Shows the estimated number of days left until storage space is exhausted || || tahoe_introstats || Shows the number of hosts announcing and subscribing to various services || || tahoe_nodememory || Shows the memory used by specific processes || || tahoe_helperstats_active || Shows the number of files being actively processed by the helper || || tahoe_helperstats_fetched || Shows the amount of data being fetched by the helper || || tahoe_server_latency_ || Shows the latency statistic for a given operation and percentile from a set of storage servers || || tahoe_server_operations_ || Shows operations-per-second from a set of storage servers || || tahoe_storagespace || Shows the space consumed by server nodes || || tahoe_estimate_files || Shows the estimated number of files and directories present in the grid || == Obsolete Plugins == These munin plugins are obsolete because they were designed for the customer database at allmydata.com. These plugins require a source of 'tahoe deep-size' results for all rootcaps that reference data in your grid. If you are managing a grid where you have this information, these scripts may still prove useful. || tahoe_overhead || Shows the estimated amount of storage overhead (ratio of actual disk usage to ideal disk usage) || || tahoe_spacetime || Shows the estimated number of days left until storage space is exhausted || || tahoe_rootdir_space || Shows the amount of space consumed by all files reachable from a given directory || == Testing == To test a plugin you can run: munin-run For example: {{{ # munin-run tahoe_diskleft disk_left.value 670599436800 }}} To display graph configuration add 'config' at the end of command line: {{{ # munin-run tahoe_diskleft config graph_title Tahoe-LAFS Remaining Disk Space graph_vlabel bytes remaining graph_category Tahoe-LAFS graph_info This graph shows the total amount of disk space left available in the grid disk_left.label disk left disk_left.draw LINE1 }}}