Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of MoveOffTrac

2024-07-02T16:57:47Z (6 months ago)

Rework of the scope and deliverables based on a discussion with Meejah


  • MoveOffTrac

    v5 v6  
    2020   * preferably with a static blog/page generator updated from a Git repo (e.g.: (Go)Jekyll, Hugo)
    2121   * possibly with a LAMP stack as discussed:
    22 3. COULD be used to replace:
     223. MUST replace the current binary repository for Tahoe-LAFS releases (
     23   * by providing at least a similar way to transfer files via ssh
     244. COULD be used to replace:
    2325   * Github code hosting and review (pull request), keeping only a mirrored clone
    2426   * Github Actions (to avoid leaving secrets in environment variables)
    3638=== Exclusions ===
    38 * Binary repository for Tahoe-LAFS releases (
    3940* Other Trac projects (see DevInfra)
    4041* Buildbot master instances for some other Trac projects
    4445=== Deliverables ===
    46 1. A VPS (hosted by Hetzner) providing 4 features powered by NixOS and Gitea:
     471. A VPS (hosted by Hetzner) providing the following features powered by NixOS and Gitea:
    4748   * a tracking system provisioned with the issues migrated from Trac (same numbers)
    4849   * a Wiki system provisioned with the relevant pages migrated from Trac (same names)
    4950   * a static website replacing the landing page from Trac with the code required for CI and CD
    5051   * a blog post for the Hall of Fame page (if sensible - fallback = static page)
    51    * a repository defining the VPS it-self and its configuration as code (including the secrets)
     52   * a (Git) repository defining the VPS it-self and its configuration as code (including the secrets using sops)
     53   * optionally including the terraform code allowing to manage the related DNS records (if Gandi supports it)
    52542. A detailed migration plan to handle the transition (DNS changes and/or redirections)
    53    * w/ or w/o terraform code covering the DNS (if Gandi supports it? fallback on manual steps)
     55   * documented in a this wiki page
     56   * covering the possible manual steps related to DNS records, HTTP redirections or URL rewriting
     57   * with a (Git) repository including/referring to the tools used to actually migrate
    54583. An high-level migration plan for the features hosted on the VPS described to be later hosted on Codeberg SaaS (assuming it is possible)
     59   * documented in this wiki page too