16 | | This isn't a complete list of dependencies though, because some of those packages also have dependencies of their own. To see the complete list of all dependencies, run {{{PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:./support/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ python -c "import pkg_resources;print ', '.join([d.project_name+': '+d.version for d in set(pkg_resources.require('allmydata-tahoe'))])"}}}. An example output from that command is: {{{zope.interface: 3.5.0, simplejson: 2.0.7, pyutil: 1.3.30, zbase32: 1.1.1, allmydata-tahoe: 1.2.0-r3353, pyOpenSSL: 0.7, Twisted: 8.1.0-r25700, Nevow: 0.9.33-r17166, foolscap: 0.3.2, zfec: 1.4.2, pycryptopp: 0.5.12, argparse: 0.8.0, setuptools: 0.6c10dev}}}. |
| 16 | This isn't a complete list of dependencies though, because some of those packages also have dependencies of their own. To see the complete list of all dependencies, run {{{PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:./support/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ python -c "import pkg_resources;print ', '.join([d.project_name+': '+d.version for d in set(pkg_resources.require('allmydata-tahoe'))])"}}}. An example output from that command is: |
| 17 | |
| 18 | `zope.interface: 3.5.0, simplejson: 2.0.7, pyutil: 1.3.30, zbase32: 1.1.1, allmydata-tahoe: 1.2.0-r3353, pyOpenSSL: 0.7, Twisted: 8.1.0-r25700, Nevow: 0.9.33-r17166, foolscap: 0.3.2, zfec: 1.4.2, pycryptopp: 0.5.12, argparse: 0.8.0, setuptools: 0.6c10dev` |