Changes between Version 47 and Version 48 of GSoCIdeas2010

2009-03-18T23:36:12Z (16 years ago)

edit: fix typo


  • GSoCIdeas2010

    v47 v48  
    11[ Google Summer of Code]
    3 UPDATE: Tahoe was not selected to be sponsored by GSoC this summer.  (They had something on the order of 300 applications and could only accept something on the order of 100 to 150, so this isn't too surprising.)  However, this isn't the end of our nefarious schemes for world domination!  We have the Mentors (and some excellent Mentors too, which any student would be lucky to study under), we have the Ideas, we even have a few students, at least one of whom has said he wants to hack on Tahoe this summer even if Google won't pay him to do it.  So the next step is for me to see if I can arrange for some Tahoe Summer of Code hacking even without google's commercial sponsorship.  Stay tuned!  --Zooko 2009-03-18
     3UPDATE: Tahoe was not selected to be sponsored by GSoC this summer.  (They had something on the order of 300 applications and could only accept something on the order of 100 to 150, so this isn't too surprising.)  However, this isn't the end of our nefarious schemes for world domination!  We have the Mentors (and some excellent Mentors too, which any student would be lucky to study under), we have the Ideas, we even have the interest of a few Students, at least one of whom has said he wants to hack on Tahoe this summer even if Google won't pay him to do it.  So the next step is for me to see if I can arrange for some Tahoe Summer of Code hacking even without google's commercial sponsorship.  Stay tuned!  --Zooko 2009-03-18
    55= Ideas =