Changes between Version 50 and Version 51 of Bibliography

2010-03-09T04:48:09Z (15 years ago)

retire some links to the back shelf


  • Bibliography

    v50 v51  
    1212[ The European Stream Cipher project] which evaluated many stream ciphers including Salsa20
    14 [] a table of semi-automated cryptanalysis results from the inventors of EnRUPT.  This technique has not been peer-reviewed by other cryptographers.  I (Zooko) can't judge how valid it is.  Note that MD4, MD5, SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-2-256, and GOST are predicted to be insecure, while Tiger is predicted to be secure.  AES-128 is predicted to be insecure.  Salsa20 is predicted to be secure.
    16 [ HKDF full paper] defines and analyzes the ''HKDF'' Key-Derivation Algorithm; A KDF is a linchpin component of our crypto schemes.
    1814[ Bitsliced AES implementation] The faster and timing resistant implementation of AES-CTR in bitsliced mode by Peter Schwabe and Emilia Kasper.
    8783[ EnRUPT] a very simple, fast, and flexible primitive which could be used as stream cipher, secure hash function, or MAC (the first two are primitives that we currently need, and the third one -- MAC -- is a primitive that we may want in the future) and which relies for its security on a large number of rounds.  The question of how many rounds to use is decided by semi-automated cryptanalysis.  (Note: the SHA-3 candidate version of EnRUPT in stream hashing mode was insecure.  The current block cipher mode is insecure.  There is a minor change (use a few more rounds) which is thought to fix the stream hashing mode.  The author is apparently working on a fix for the block cipher mode.)
     85[] a table of semi-automated cryptanalysis results from the inventors of EnRUPT.  This technique has not been peer-reviewed by other cryptographers.  I (Zooko) can't judge how valid it is.  Note that MD4, MD5, SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-2-256, and GOST are predicted to be insecure, while Tiger is predicted to be secure.  AES-128 is predicted to be insecure.  Salsa20 is predicted to be secure.
     87[ HKDF full paper] defines and analyzes the ''HKDF'' Key-Derivation Algorithm; A KDF is a linchpin component of our crypto schemes.
    8989[ ChaChaCha20] even better stream cipher; It might be slightly safer than Salsa20 and it is certainly slightly faster on some platforms, but slightly slower on others.  However, the author of Salsa20 and !ChaChaCha20, Daniel J. Bernstein, seems to have settled on using Salsa20 (or a tweak of it named XSalsa20), so probably that is the one to use.