


20:43 Ticket #1099 (stdout might not have an 'encoding' attribute) created by davidsarah
Python's sys.stdout normally has an encoding attribute …
08:54 Ticket #1098 (Support for FreeBSD > 6 is missing from iputil.py) created by francois
On tahoe-dev, Randy Bush reported the following error when running a …
01:14 HowtoContributeABuildbot edited by zooko
new improved instructions (diff)


16:08 HowtoContributeABuildbot edited by zooko
domain name change (diff)


01:31 Bibliography edited by zooko
clarify suggested optimization strategy (diff)
00:36 Bibliography edited by zooko
add note about hash-sigs (diff)
00:29 Bibliography edited by zooko
add GMSS (diff)
00:22 Bibliography edited by zooko
link to OneHundredYearCryptography (diff)
00:22 Bibliography edited by zooko
add notes about hash-based sigs (diff)
00:09 OneHundredYearCryptography edited by zooko
link to NewCapDesign (diff)
00:09 NewCapDesign edited by zooko
00:08 NewCapDesign edited by zooko
link to See also [OneHundredYearCryptography]. (diff)
00:08 Dev edited by zooko
link to OneHundredYearCryptography (diff)
00:07 Dev edited by zooko
"Tahoe" => "Tahoe-LAFS" (diff)
00:05 OneHundredYearCryptography edited by zooko
link to Samuel Neves's idea of hash-based encryption (diff)
00:03 OneHundredYearCryptography edited by zooko
some updates (diff)


22:38 Ticket #1097 (Directory.xhtml is not correctly displayed with Internet Explorer) created by freestorm
The links on the top of page directory.xhtml are not displayed with …
20:13 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
assume 1.7.0 (diff)
20:11 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
assumes 1.7.0, not beta (diff)
20:10 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
heading sizes (diff)
20:07 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
WinSCP; reorder sections (diff)
09:19 Ticket #1096 (Have a dependency on pyutil) created by arthur
$ tahoe Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/tahoe", …
09:16 Ticket #1095 (debian packaging metadata: a dependency on pyasn1) created by arthur
After using the freshly built deb file : […] Work around is …


22:16 Ticket #1094 (automatically generate binary .egg's of pycryptopp for all of our ...) created by zooko
zeromus's #1093 (win32 build hell) was at least partly if not mostly …
02:06 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
sshfs caching (diff)
02:04 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
Y2037 (diff)
02:02 Ticket #1056 (SFTP times will be wrong after Y2106) closed by davidsarah
wontfix: Documented in wiki:SftpFrontend.
02:01 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
Y2106 (diff)


08:51 Ticket #1093 (win32 build hell) created by zeromus
I am experiencing hell getting the win32 stuff to build. I should …


15:36 Ticket #1092 (shares.happy is the wrong name of the measure) created by zooko
There is a configuration option named shares.happy which is how …
15:30 Ticket #1091 (give clearer names to the "create a directory" buttons) created by zooko
I watched someone (Dan Shoutis) use Tahoe-LAFS for the first time, …
06:57 WikiStart edited by zooko
Kraków (diff)
06:56 News edited by zooko
Kraków (diff)
06:56 News edited by zooko
news (diff)
06:41 WikiStart edited by zooko
CONfidence 2010 is in the past (diff)
06:40 Milestone 1.7.0 completed
* servers of happiness * SFTP front-end * unicode support * …
06:39 WikiStart edited by zooko
remove all news older than 2010 (diff)
06:38 News edited by davidsarah
1.7 released (diff)
06:37 News edited by zooko
update klog remove allmydata.com blog (diff)
06:36 News edited by zooko
move everything before 2010 to Old News (diff)
06:36 OldNews edited by zooko
copy in a bunch of stuff from New News (diff)
06:35 WikiStart edited by zooko
1.7.0 release on front page (diff)
05:26 Changeset in trunk [27d14e7]allmydata-tahoe-1.7.0 by Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko@…>
TAG allmydata-tahoe-1.7.0
05:20 Changeset in trunk [7fde9d78] by Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko@…>
docs: update relnotes.txt for Tahoe-LAFS v1.7.0! ... and remove …
05:17 Changeset in trunk [15b65ae] by Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko@…>
docs: update known_issues.txt with more detail about web browser …
05:01 Changeset in trunk [09b0fd8] by Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko@…>
docs: quickstart.html: link to 1.7.0 zip file and add UTF-8 BOM
04:58 Changeset in trunk [9c6591c] by Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko@…>
docs: more CREDITS for Kevan, plus utf-8 BOM
04:57 Changeset in trunk [f4cf5411] by Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko@…>
docs: update NEWS for release 1.7.0
04:27 Ticket #1090 (don't upload tarballs of branches (only of trunk)) created by zooko
04:07 Changeset in trunk [49912c1] by Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko@…>
docs: apply patch from duck for #937 about "tahoe run" not working on …
03:56 Changeset in trunk [4002c7a] by david-sarah <david-sarah@…>
webapi.txt: fix statement about leap seconds.
03:52 Ticket #629 ('tahoe backup' doesn't tolerate 8-bit filenames) closed by davidsarah
fixed: Replying to davidsarah: > This change caused a test …
03:50 Ticket #1037 (new SFTP implementation) closed by davidsarah
03:31 Changeset in trunk [8784e4a] by david-sarah <david-sarah@…>
running.html: Tahoe->Tahoe-LAFS in what used to be using.html, and …
03:04 Ticket #911 (Create a specification for the servers of happiness behavior) closed by davidsarah
fixed: servers-of-happiness-doc.dpatch applied in a92a23fe343862f2.
02:26 Changeset in trunk [6b2f99f] by david-sarah <david-sarah@…>
test_backupdb.py: skip test_unicode if we can't represent the test …
02:17 Changeset in trunk [a2caf6f4] by david-sarah <david-sarah@…>
test_web.py: correct a test that was missed in the change to not write …
02:03 Ticket #629 ('tahoe backup' doesn't tolerate 8-bit filenames) reopened by davidsarah
This change caused a test failure: …
01:51 Ticket #924 (stop writing mtime and ctime fields (except for "tahoe backup")) closed by zooko
fixed: Okay, I'm convinced! Let's put this in 1.7.0 now. Oh look, you already …
00:49 Ticket #911 (Create a specification for the servers of happiness behavior) reopened by davidsarah
00:03 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
minor wording (diff)
00:02 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
nitpick (fields -> attributes) (diff)


23:58 SftpFrontend edited by davidsarah
Server keys with passphrases not supported; be more precise about … (diff)
23:01 Changeset in trunk [4712875] by david-sarah <david-sarah@…>
dirnode.py: stop writing 'ctime' and 'mtime' fields. Includes …
19:18 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
tahoe-* query (diff)
19:16 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
remove old milestone queries with 0 tickets (diff)
19:15 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
http. 1.7.1 queries (diff)
05:14 Ticket #1076 (Unicode normalization needs to be applied to filenames in more cases) closed by zooko
fixed: Reviewed! This patch set is GREAT. Applying... …
05:09 Ticket #629 ('tahoe backup' doesn't tolerate 8-bit filenames) closed by zooko
fixed: Reviewed! Should we update NEWS to include this change? Otherwise it …
04:55 Ticket #989 (improve HTTP/1.1 byterange handling) closed by zooko
fixed: Okay, I'm still waiting for jsgf to answer the question, but the patch …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.