


19:23 Ticket #463 (directory isn't rendered at all sometimes) closed by warner
fixed: 2074c92dd13abb23 adds the unit tests, they aren't exactly …


19:05 Bibliography edited by zooko
explain about brainpool curves more (diff)


00:44 Ticket #488 (Thunderbird plugin) created by zandr
It would be very cool to be able to use Tahoe to transmit file …


00:37 Ticket #487 (add munin graphs of garbage percentage) created by warner
We have a few graphs right now that show the total deep-size number as …
00:35 Ticket #486 (add munin graphs of server-operation latency) created by warner
We recently added code to collect server-side latency stats (how long …
00:27 Ticket #485 (server incident reporting) created by warner
The current version of Foolscap now has code to report "incidents", …
00:21 Ticket #484 (client feedback channel) created by warner
It would be nice if clients had a way to report errors and performance …


23:44 Ticket #483 (repairer service) created by warner
It is time to build a Repairer service. This should accept a storage …
23:41 Ticket #482 (build a checker/verifier that can work from just SI) created by warner
The current checker code requires a read-cap, or at least a verifier …
23:37 Ticket #481 (build some share-migration tools) created by warner
Zandr and I were talking about what sorts of tools we'd like to have …
23:26 Ticket #480 (mutable storage-server API needs a way to refuse shares) created by warner
Related to #390, we need to give storage servers the ability to refuse …
01:28 DelegationOperations created by warner
01:14 AccountingDesign edited by warner
00:46 AccountingDesign edited by warner
describe furlification (diff)
00:25 AccountingDesign edited by warner


22:40 AccountingDesign edited by warner
22:39 AccountingDesign edited by warner
20:46 AccountingDesign edited by warner
20:44 AccountingDesign edited by warner
20:20 AccountingDesign edited by warner
start transcribing notes from last week (diff)
19:53 superpowers.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:53 img_2937.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:53 img_2935.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:53 img_2934.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:52 img_2933.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:52 img_2932.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:52 img_2931.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:52 img_2929.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:52 img_2928.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:52 img_2927.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:51 img_2926.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:51 img_2925.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:51 img_2923.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:51 furlification.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:48 5delegations.jpg attached to AccountingDesign by warner
19:37 AccountingDesign created by warner
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.