


04:30 Changeset in trunk [e63ee9b] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #604 from ArdaXi?/master Make isdir argument to …


19:40 Changeset in trunk [7ac0b93] by Arda Xi <arda@…>
Specify news fragment for 2950
19:39 Changeset in trunk [0ab197d9] by Ariën Holthuizen <arda@…>
Add a test for the problematic case Get the name in the warning right
19:39 Changeset in trunk [de82293] by Ariën Holthuizen <arda@…>
news fragment
19:09 Ticket #3036 (There are historically valid but now outdated timeouts spread ...) created by exarkun
Throughout the project's history the CI configuration has involved an …
18:30 Ticket #3035 (Turn python2 checks from errors into warnings) created by heartsucker
There are some explicit checks that the python version is 3 or …
18:19 Ticket #3034 (Port or replace: nevow) created by heartsucker
Upstream issue: https://github.com/twisted/nevow/issues/101
18:12 Ticket #3033 (Port or replace: txi2p) created by heartsucker
18:11 Ticket #3032 (Port or replace: pypiwin32) created by heartsucker
18:05 Ticket #3031 (Port or replace: pycryptopp) created by heartsucker
pycryptopp is not python3 syntax compliant
17:46 Ticket #3030 (Enforce python3 syntax compliance for entire repo) created by heartsucker
17:39 Changeset in trunk [fee6eb3] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #603 from tahoe-lafs/3028-string-literals updated …
17:37 Ticket #3019 (Remove tuple unpacking in function definitions for Python3 compatibility) closed by GitHub <noreply@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"27a0a7400d1ff1b9edf181255f99e4072045550c/trunk"
17:37 Changeset in trunk [27a0a740] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #600 from tahoe-lafs/3019-remove-tuple-unpacking …
12:51 Ticket #3029 (All of the "adopt-socket"-reliant tests fail against the installed ...) created by exarkun
They cannot find the "adopt-socket" endpoint plugin because …


09:39 Ticket #3027 (Remove use of backticks as shorthand for repr) closed by heartsucker
09:18 Changeset in trunk [05e0d19] by heartsucker <heartsucker@…>
updated string literal syntax for python3 compatibility


17:49 Changeset in trunk [318be894] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #602 from tahoe-lafs/3027-remove-backticks removed …


17:33 Changeset in trunk [2d6cc26] by Arda Xi <arda@…>
Make isdir argument to _ErrorTarget optional
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.