


00:56 Ticket #2568 (Magic Folder: usability issues with 'tahoe magic-folder join') created by daira
While manually testing Magic Folder, I ran the commands for Alice to …


01:22 Ticket #2553 (Magic Folder: a client should not read or download from its own DMD ...) closed by daira
fixed: The start-up scan is #2449, and the rest of this ticket is implemented …
01:19 Ticket #2521 (magic-folder db schema changes) closed by daira
fixed: The docs have been updated, so this is good to close.
01:18 Ticket #2509 (Magic Folder: clean up use of is_ready) closed by daira
01:18 Ticket #2434 (Magic Folder on Linux: test behaviour of inotify if a file is renamed ...) closed by daira
fixed: OK, that is the behaviour we assumed (and wanted), so this ticket can …


18:10 Ticket #2567 (turn off bridging of foolscap logging to the Twisted log) closed by Daira Hopwood <daira@…>
fixed: In 913082230ca648a40776befd6b17acfea74da60c/trunk: […]
18:10 Changeset in trunk [d349f07] by Daira Hopwood <daira@…>
Merge pull request #202 from tahoe-lafs/2567.turn-off-log-bridging.0 …
17:35 Changeset in trunk [9130822] by Daira Hopwood <daira@…>
Disable bridging of foolscap logging to the Twisted log, and remove …
17:32 Ticket #2567 (turn off bridging of foolscap logging to the Twisted log) created by daira
This causes http://foolscap.lothar.com/trac/ticket/244 (an incident …
04:48 Ticket #2566 (RAIC: remove HP authentication endpoints from code and docs for OpenStack) created by daira
> Dear HP Helion Public Cloud Customer, > > As you have been …
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