


12:04 OSPackages edited by np


01:43 NewCaps/Rainhill edited by davidsarah
caveat about table not being fully updated (diff)
01:41 NewCaps/Rainhill edited by davidsarah
use of undefined N (diff)
01:40 NewCaps/Rainhill edited by davidsarah
simplify under assumption s > r (diff)
01:38 NewCaps/Rainhill created by davidsarah
initial version


17:35 TestGrid edited by gdt
remove "DRAFT" notation; no objections observed. (diff)


23:04 VolunteerGrid edited by soult


17:32 Ticket #1375 (the performance stats for each upload or download are undiscoverable) created by zooko
A volunteergrid2 user has been struggling for days to understand why …


20:32 Ticket #1374 ("walk through" or guide for people who want to read some code) created by zooko
Riastradh writes on IRC: "in an afternoon I was able to understand …
00:16 VolunteerGrid edited by zooko
added a2 (diff)
00:08 VolunteerGrid edited by zooko
editing, remove old "honeypot" introducer. :-) (diff)


22:57 VolunteerGrid edited by zooko
descending order to decommission date (diff)
22:56 VolunteerGrid edited by zooko
22:56 VolunteerGrid edited by zooko
move yukyuk from live to dead, move ootles from live to retiring, move … (diff)
22:52 VolunteerGrid edited by zooko
Hm, well I guess we don't need these setup instructions then. (diff)
22:52 VolunteerGrid edited by zooko
s/new node are always welcome/not accepting new members at this time/ (diff)
19:27 Ticket #1373 ('tahoe cp' should not make links to existing immutable files when the ...) created by davidsarah
Whenever tahoe cp copies an existing Tahoe immutable file, it …
19:17 TestGrid edited by gdt
add notion that people on testgrid who aren't small clients should be … (diff)
19:15 Doc edited by gdt
link to pubgrid page, which is otherwise hard to find. (diff)
19:15 Doc edited by gdt
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.