


22:50 Ticket #558 (kpreid says that the -SUMO tarballs don't exist) closed by zooko
20:45 Ticket #589 (JSON link does not work if there is a '#' character in the file name.) created by booker
If you browse to the directory using a web browser …


17:24 Ticket #587 (Web nodes provide ambient upload authority) closed by zooko
fixed: fixed by 66f83c7356a79978. I have some more questions …


16:22 Ticket #588 ("tahoe start" fails even though "tahoe --version" works) created by zooko
We recently added a test to the buildbot to make sure that …
01:47 Ticket #587 (Web nodes provide ambient upload authority) created by toby.murray
Under the current webapi, nodes offer ambient upload authority to any …


03:49 Ticket #586 (save our old performance data) created by zooko
The Performance Page on the wiki has links to measurements of memory …


04:02 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
03:00 Ticket #585 (make it work with bbfreeze) created by zooko
bbfreeze -- http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bbfreeze -- is an alternative …


23:47 Dev edited by warner
wapi.txt got renamed back to webapi.txt (diff)
23:46 Extensions edited by warner
update notes (diff)
23:43 Extensions edited by warner
wapi.txt got renamed back to webapi.txt (diff)
20:34 Ticket #584 (repairer: test what happens when servers fail or hang) created by zooko
The current tests of repairer don't test what happens if a server …
20:33 Ticket #583 (repairer: test cancel, upload failure, download failure) created by zooko
The current tests don't test what happens if the user cancels a …
11:12 Extensions edited by toby.murray
fixed broken link to wapi.txt (diff)
11:08 Dev edited by toby.murray
fix broken link to wapi.txt (diff)
02:53 Ticket #582 (Links to webapi.txt on "Using Tahoe" page is broken) closed by zooko
fixed: fixed by c360bf604a01655d Thanks, Toby!
01:15 Ticket #582 (Links to webapi.txt on "Using Tahoe" page is broken) created by toby.murray
The "Using Tahoe" page links to the 'webapi.txt' document but the link …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.