Opened at 2008-07-01T23:44:29Z
Closed at 2013-07-03T09:37:45Z
#483 closed enhancement (duplicate)
repairer service — at Version 14
Reported by: | warner | Owned by: | warner |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | eventually |
Component: | operational | Version: | 1.1.0 |
Keywords: | repair preservation | Cc: | |
Launchpad Bug: |
Description (last modified by daira)
It is time to build a Repairer service. This should accept a storage index, or a verifier cap, and:
- locate all existing shares
- read all existing shares, checking hashes, report bad ones
- generate+upload new shares as necessary
There should be a work queue, a directory of SI or verifier-cap (or repair-caps, once we define them). The files in the work queue directory should have one file per line, and the file will be deleted once all its files have been repaired.
Eventually we will make a foolscap inlet port for the work queue.
The Repairer service should be another twisted.application.service.MultiService?, like uploaders and downloaders and helpers.
Change History (14)
comment:1 Changed at 2008-07-17T19:51:52Z by warner
comment:2 Changed at 2008-07-17T19:56:51Z by warner
Hrm, that comment got cut off and lost about half of what I wrote. Pity.
The summary is that we need a way to update the write-enablers when a repairer or share-migration tool causes a valid share to be put on a server. This operation will probably require a signed message, so the server will both need to know about the layout of the share (which is a version-coupling problem that I'd prefer to avoid) and will need to do pubkey verification (which is relatively expensive, but I'm ok with doing it just for repair operations, since they shouldn't happen very frequently).
Ticket #489 tracks a potential problem with the non-pubkey-based update-write-enablers approach that I've been considering so far. This problem and that one will probably be solved together.
comment:3 Changed at 2008-09-03T01:35:06Z by warner
- Milestone changed from undecided to 1.3.0
The 1.3.0 release is all about checker/repairer. We're implementing it differently that this ticket originally described.
comment:4 Changed at 2008-09-24T13:29:33Z by zooko
- Owner changed from warner to zooko
- Status changed from new to assigned
comment:5 Changed at 2008-09-24T13:29:53Z by zooko
- Summary changed from build the repairer to repairer service
comment:6 Changed at 2008-09-24T13:50:27Z by zooko
- Priority changed from major to critical
comment:7 Changed at 2009-02-04T00:11:19Z by warner
- Owner changed from zooko to warner
- Status changed from assigned to new
comment:8 Changed at 2009-02-04T00:46:22Z by warner
- Milestone changed from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0
- Priority changed from critical to major
Ok, so the original concept for this ticket was a standalone process, a daemon somewhere, which was given lists of repaircaps/verifycaps by clients (who maintain manifest lists somehow), and spends its time crawling over these verifycaps, checking and repairing.
Then, as we drifted away from the idea of clients maintaining manifest lists, we started thinking about clients performing periodic deep-check and deep-check-and-repair operations instead.
Now, as we're writing tools to maintain the production grid, we're drifting back towards the standalone process idea. The current direction my tools are headed is towards a daemon which holds on to customer rootcaps (which some day can be replaced by mere traversal-caps), periodically scans them to develop a manifest, then checks and repairs the results. In practice, it would look a lot like the original idea, but it would generate the manifests by itself. For customers who don't share a rootcap with us, they could generate their manifest themselves and hand us the verifycaps, perhaps in some automated way. In addition, since we don't have Accounting yet, this daemon is also responsible for examining the manifest to compute total-space-used for each account. It is also used to create a list of active files, so GC can be performed.
So the new daemon design is also obligated to help fill in the gaps (for Accounting and GC).
At the moment, I'm performing these tasks with a bunch of manual scripts. In the near future, I plan to combine these scripts into a daemon that will fulfill the goals of this ticket. In the further future (when GC and Accounting are handled by more appropriate mechanisms), this daemon can be broken back down into something resembling the original concept: check+repair only.
I'm moving this ticket out of the tahoe-1.3.0 release, because the real consumer of this daemon is the production grid. I intend to commit the code (to the misc/ subdirectory), so other folks can take advantage of it, but we hope to make it unnecessary in the long run, so it doesn't quite fit into src/allmydata yet.
I'm also reducing its priority level. The original reason we raised its priority to critical was that we needed the Repairer itself (the ability to do POST t=check&repair=true), and that has been implemented and committed under the auspices of a different ticket. The "repairer service" (which decides what should be repaired) is at the next layer up, and is the subject of this ticket.
comment:9 Changed at 2009-06-30T12:40:30Z by zooko
- Milestone changed from 1.5.0 to eventually
Brian: is this done?
comment:10 Changed at 2009-12-29T19:34:11Z by davidsarah
- Keywords preservation added
comment:11 Changed at 2010-12-12T23:27:24Z by davidsarah
#450 was a duplicate of this ticket. If a repair operation were to also rebalance shares (as of v1.8.1 it does not), then this would be a duplicate of #543 ('rebalancing manager'). So we should close this ticket as a duplicate iff we decide that repair should rebalance.
(These are not to be confused with #643, which is a less ambitious ticket about scheduling the existing deep-checker/repairer using a cron job or the Windows scheduler.)
comment:12 Changed at 2010-12-12T23:31:17Z by davidsarah
- Type changed from task to enhancement
comment:13 Changed at 2012-03-28T20:39:54Z by warner
- Component changed from code-encoding to operational
comment:14 Changed at 2013-07-03T09:37:45Z by daira
- Description modified (diff)
- Resolution set to duplicate
- Status changed from new to closed
I realized this morning that we can't currently repair mutable files without the write-cap. (We'd like to be able to repair them with merely the storage index, so that nodes which are not given read- or write- access could do repair work, allowing us to distribute the workload out to untrusted machines).
The problem is both more and less deep than you might think. At first glance, the idea of allowing a reader (or someone with even less authority) to create new shares would sound like a capability violation: they don't have write authority, why should they get to write anything?. But the key is that the write-authority is about creating new versions of the file. Repair is about creating new shares for an existing version.
The mutable file uses a signature to express write authority: only the holders of the write-cap will be able to generate new valid signatures. This signature covers the root of the merkle tree that has shares as its leaves. The signature can be verified by anybody: it covers the ciphertext, not the plaintext, so a read-cap is not necessary to verify it.
So the repairer can use the remaining shares to reconstruct the ciphertext, then generate new shares (using the same encoding parameters, i.e. 'k' and 'N') which should exactly match the old ones. These shares should already fit into the existing hash tree, so the repairer can create perfectly valid new shares.
The stumbling block is in how the storage server knows that it ought to accept those new shares. Let's call this "publish authority" to distinguish it from the nominally-identical "write authority".
The current RSA-based scheme uses "write-enablers", a shared secret that is used to prove posession of the write-cap that does not involve signatures. The write-cap is hashed with each server's nodeid, and the result is the "write-enabler". When the share is first created, the original publisher provides the write-enabler, and it is stored next to the share (in a region that readers cannot access). When later publishers want to update the share, they must provide the same write-enabler. The write-enabler is different for each server, so server1 cannot get modification authority on server2. Everybody with the write-cap will be able to compute the write-enabler.
So in the RSA scheme, in fact anybody can perform the initial publish of a new mutable file, even