5 | | 3. Foolscap connections still preserve current semantics, for backwards compat with existing clients: disconnection aborts upload. However, there should be logic in place such that alternative client (i.e. HTTP) does not have this happen. |
6 | | 4. In order to support old existing clients, and also support new clients, `IStorageServer` should grow a new method that can only be used with new servers? Ugh. |
7 | | |
8 | | WIP |
| 5 | 3. Foolscap connections still preserve current semantics, for backwards compat with existing clients: new uploads start from scratch. However, the implementation happens in a different place, instead of happening automatically on disconnect it happens as part of `allocate_buckets()`. |
| 6 | 4. `allocate_buckets()` external behavior remains unchanged. |