Changes between Version 1 and Version 4 of Ticket #1644

2012-03-26T17:08:38Z (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #1644

    • Property Cc francois@… added
    • Property Keywords git darcs trac buildbot added
  • Ticket #1644 – Description

    v1 v4  
    2727 * turns out the {{{/home/source/webhook}}} daemon needed {{{--umask 002}}}, otherwise when it did a 'git fetch', the new object files were unreadable by the trac daemon
    2828* ~~Set up git-based buildmaster~~
    29 * Migrate all slaves to the git-based buildmaster
    30  * create entries for all slaves
    31  * port all Builders (add buildbot "categories" to mark Builders as
    32    "supported", "performance", "packaging", etc, to simplify web
    33    display)
     29* ~~Migrate all slaves to the git-based buildmaster~~
     30 * ~~create entries for all slaves~~
     31 * port all Builders (add buildbot "categories" to mark Builders as "supported", "performance", "packaging", etc, to simplify web display)
    3432 * port the index.html page
    35  * shut down old buildmaster, change slaveport of new buildmaster to
    36    match the old one: boom, all slaves now connect to the new buildmaster
    37  * get Git installed on all buildslaves that lack it
     33 * ~~shut down old buildmaster, change slaveport of new buildmaster to match the old one: boom, all slaves now connect to the new buildmaster~~
     34 * ~~get Git installed on all buildslaves that lack it~~
     35* update the following wiki pages to instruct people to use git instead of darcs: wiki:NewbieDeveloperSetup, wiki:Dev, wiki:AdvancedInstall (potentially better to remove any instructions on that page about revision control rather than to update the instructions from darcs to git)
    3836* Stop updating darcs repo, freeze it
    3937* Build tool to modify Trac DB {{{[DARCS-REVID]}}} comments to git-based