#1638 closed defect

Upload of large files consumes >2 the size of the file memory — at Initial Version

Reported by: zancas Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: eventually
Component: code-storage Version: cloud-branch
Keywords: reliability availability scalability usability performance memory large s3-backend Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


During upload greater than 2 (~2.5) times the size of shares (both mutable and immutable) are consumed on the storage server. For storageservers running with tight memory constraints and/or large shares this is problematic. Attached is a 1-second-resolution time-series of memory usage generated by ps for a 200 MB immutable file upload to an amazon EC2 t1.micro.

The exact command: ps -Ovsize,rss -C tahoe

Change History (2)

Changed at 2011-12-16T23:06:45Z by zancas

This is for a 100MB SDMF share

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