Changes between Version 21 and Version 23 of Ticket #1572

2012-03-13T17:59:27Z (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #1572

    • Property Keywords trac website added
  • Ticket #1572 – Description

    v21 v23  
    66* ~~move Mailman, list archives, cgi-bin/mailman control panels~~
    77* ~~update MX records to send mail to new box~~
    8 * copy all trac DBs/workdirs to new box
    9 * activate all trac instances on new box
    10 * copy all static content (tarballs, deps, debs, all sorts of random stuff)
     8* ~~copy all trac DBs/workdirs to new box~~
     9* ~~activate all trac instances on new box~~
     10* ~~copy all static content (tarballs, deps, debs, all sorts of random stuff)~~
    1111* ~~move source trees, canonical darcs repos~~
    1212* ~~get post-commit hooks working~~
    13 * get any cronjobs migrated
     13* ~~get any cronjobs migrated~~
    1414* ~~move buildmaster~~, either get buildslave admins to update their configs, or wait for DNS to change
    1515 * ~~add "" DNS name (pointing at new-org)~~
    16  * tell buildslave admins to point buildslaves at that
    17  * meanwhile, old slaves will just use and work normally
     16 * ~~tell buildslave admins to point buildslaves at that~~
     17 * ~~meanwhile, old slaves will just use and work normally~~
    1818* ~~update DNS~~
    19 * power down old box, or move to Peter's basement for emergency access
     19* ~~power down old box, or move to Peter's basement for emergency access~~
    2020* ~~set up trac backup-to-git cronjob on new box~~
    2121* ~~get SSL cert fixed~~
    2222* ~~fix bitcoin-donation box on front page~~
    2323* ~~repopulate
    24 * check other tahoe-deps directories
     24* ~~check other tahoe-deps directories~~
    2525* move the external (non-https) hosted images from the front page to the local server, to hush the mixed-content warning
    2626* ~~davidsarah noticed that the 'view tickets' link in the nav bar is broken.. it points to {{{}}}~~
    27 * some buildslaves are failing to do darcs fetches. A local 'wget' of the inventory file (on my OS-X 10.6 box) complained about not being able to verify the cert. related?
    28  * hypothesis is that the old darcs on those boxes is treating HTTPS urls as if they were HTTP, and then failing with the http->https redirect. tcpdump shows one buildslave clearly fetching from port 80 despite being given an HTTPS URL
     27* ~~some buildslaves are failing to do darcs fetches. A local 'wget' of the inventory file (on my OS-X 10.6 box) complained about not being able to verify the cert. related?~~
     28 * ~~hypothesis is that the old darcs on those boxes is treating HTTPS urls as if they were HTTP, and then failing with the http->https redirect. tcpdump shows one buildslave clearly fetching from port 80 despite being given an HTTPS URL~~
    2929 * ~~move those buildslaves to Unsupported~~
    30  * zooko will mail the owners, ask them to update darcs
    31  * later, move them back to Supported
     30 * ~~zooko will mail the owners, ask them to update darcs~~
     31 * ~~later, move them back to Supported~~
    3232* ~~darcs pushes aren't showing up on the Trac timeline, although the buildbot sees them~~
    33  * trac.db and all darcs-repo files need to be gid=source, and all committers must be in the 'source' group
    34 * ~~bookmarks like no longer work (they get redirected to , but that gives a "Environment not found" error). This also happens for deeper URLs like . I think this needs to be rewritten to e.g.
     33 * ~~trac.db and all darcs-repo files need to be gid=source, and all committers must be in the 'source' group~~
     34* ~~bookmarks like no longer work (they get redirected to , but that gives a "Environment not found" error). This also happens for deeper URLs like . I think this needs to be rewritten to e.g.
    3535 * still to do: decide whether this should be an internal rewrite or an external redirect. I made it a temporary-redirect for now, need to pick one or the other (if redirect, switch to a permanent-redirect)
    3636* ~~there's something weird going on with page caching, like the ETag or Date headers are wonky. When I follow a trac link in my browser to a page that I know has just changed (like modifying a wiki page, and the submit button does a POST which returns a redirect back to a GET of the modified page), I see the old contents. Then doing a reload lets me see the new contents.~~