Custom Query (17 matches)


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Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#320 add streaming (on-line) upload to HTTP interface streaming performance upload fuse webdav twisted reliability http assigned zooko enhancement major
#682 FTP frontend should support Unicode filenames encoded as UTF-8 i18n unicode ftpd names twisted assigned francois defect major
#870 Prevent socket hijacking on OSes that don't prevent it by default (Windows) security integrity confidentiality privacy windows foolscap twisted docs assigned davidsarah defect major
#981 chroot support? security twisted chroot install new somebody enhancement major
#1664 webapi fails to handle all TCP disconnects: "Request.finish called on a request after its connection was lost; use Request.notifyFinish to keep track of this." webapi error disconnect twisted new nobody defect major
#2385 node web server should use DHE/ECDHE suites automatically security websec https forward-secrecy twisted new j3i enhancement major
#451 webdav frontend webdav cache twisted gsoc new enhancement normal
#1794 upload failed -- "I/O operation on closed file" upload error twisted new defect normal
#1815 either bridge foolscap log messages to twistd.log, or remove the section of logging.rst about that logging twisted foolscap docs assigned blaisep defect normal
#1934 abolish timezones twisted standards time pratchett aliens error aesthetics interstellar-exploration new defect normal
#2007 unhandled errors due to "bad connection hint '<IP address>' (hostname, but no port)" introducer logging unhandled-error twisted twistd.log connection hint new defect normal
#2038 look for any Y2038 problems in Tahoe-LAFS or its dependencies time twisted foolscap new defect normal
#2082 it says "option --node-dir not a unique prefix", but it is! usability error cli twisted new defect normal
#2144 Tahoe-LAFS as website hosting storage backend website webdav twisted research new enhancement normal
#2343 replace non-Eliot logging with Eliot logging error logging twisted new defect normal
#2507 consider whether to use @inlineCallbacks (in tests or more generally) coding-standards inlineCallbacks twisted docs assigned daira task normal
#2581 Mounting SSH does no longer work with latest 1.10.2 release, worked with 1.10.0 - regression? regression twisted ssh sftp new daira defect normal
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