Custom Query (973 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 973)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Owner: anonymous (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#296 enforce timeout on DYHB queries? defect major eventually code-network 0.7.0
#324 use POST for operations whose noun doesn't denote the same resource that a GET would denote, or that have side effects defect major soon code-frontend-web 0.8.0
#390 'readonly_storage' and 'reserved_space' not honored for mutable-slot write requests defect major eventually code-storage 1.0.0
#394 mutable publish: add timing charts to measure RTT task major soon code-mutable 1.0.0
#397 increase helper fetch blocksize to 1MB task major eventually code-encoding 1.0.0
#403 grid identifier enhancement major code-peerselection 1.0.0
#413 mutable files: expose version info to HTTP clients enhancement major eventually code-frontend-web 1.0.0
#432 writing down filecaps: revise URI scheme task major code-encoding 1.0.0
#444 reduce number of active connections: connect-on-demand enhancement major undecided code-network 1.0.0
#447 explore improved peer-selection approaches: chord, reliability-based enhancement major undecided code-peerselection 1.0.0
#449 deletion: maintain per-account file manifest, cancel leases upon removal enhancement major undecided code-storage 1.0.0
#453 safely add plaintext_hash to immutable UEB enhancement major undecided code-encoding 1.0.0
#464 evaluate different share-storage schemes task major undecided code-storage 1.1.0
#465 add a mutable-file cache enhancement major eventually code-mutable 1.1.0
#468 design+build the Usage/Aggregator service enhancement major undecided code-storage 1.1.0
#471 servermap update chart doesn't fit defect major eventually code-frontend-web 1.1.0
#474 uncaught exception in mutable-retrieve: UCW between mapupdate and retrieve defect major soon code-mutable 1.1.0
#480 mutable storage-server API needs a way to refuse shares defect major undecided code-mutable 1.1.0
#482 build a checker/verifier that can work from just SI enhancement major undecided code-encoding 1.1.0
#504 build 'tahoe debug decode' command enhancement major eventually code-frontend-cli 1.2.0
#541 remove foolscap 'reference'-token bug workaround in mutable publish defect major soon code-mutable 1.2.0
#543 repair/rebalancing service enhancement major eventually code-storage 1.2.0
#547 mapupdate(MODE_WRITE) triggers on a false boundary defect major soon code-mutable 1.2.0
#548 mutable publish sends queries to servers that have already been asked defect major soon code-mutable 1.2.0
#579 report corrupted shares defect major undecided code-storage 1.2.0
#580 repairer: upload fresh shares to replace corrupted shares defect major soon code-storage 1.2.0
#583 repairer: test cancel, upload failure, download failure defect major eventually code-storage 1.2.0
#584 repairer: test what happens when servers fail or hang defect major eventually code-storage 1.2.0
#597 add 'tahoe mirror' command, use backupdb enhancement major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.2.0
#599 maybe add share-metadata: "where-are-the-other-shares" hints enhancement major undecided code-storage 1.2.0
#604 one-shot distributed revocable forwarding slots enhancement major undecided code-encoding 1.2.0
#613 sometimes a helper hurts instead of helping (if you need to upload less than K shares) enhancement major undecided code-network 1.3.0
#631 trailing spaces in filenames break the WUI rename function defect major soon code-frontend-web 1.3.0
#632 "tahoe backup --prefix": override pathname root for snapshots enhancement major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.3.0
#635 'tahoe make-tarball' command enhancement major code-frontend-cli 1.3.0
#640 Cli fs operations refactoring enhancement major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.3.0
#654 make the storage index be the verifier cap enhancement major undecided code-encoding 1.3.0
#658 "tahoe cp" should avoid full upload/download when the destination already exists (using backupdb and/or plaintext hashes) enhancement major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.3.0
#662 add an option for "tahoe manifest" to not skip duplicates, or a --recursive option to "tahoe ls" enhancement major undecided code-dirnodes 1.3.0
#678 converge same file, same K, different N enhancement major undecided code-encoding 1.3.0
#700 have servers publish Bloom filter of which shares they have enhancement major undecided code-storage 1.4.1
#711 repair to different levels of N enhancement major undecided code-encoding 1.4.1
#713 tahoe make-verify-cap enhancement major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.4.1
#724 helper: client should check up on the helper's work enhancement major undecided code-encoding 1.4.1
#731 what to do with filenames that are illegal on some systems defect major eventually code-dirnodes 1.4.1
#752 speed up directories more enhancement major undecided code-dirnodes 1.4.1
#753 use longer storage index / cap for collision resistance defect major undecided code-encoding 1.4.1
#764 webapi/usage calls should be logged - standard reusable format (apache-style access.log) enhancement major undecided code-nodeadmin 1.4.1
#777 Facility to automatically renew leases of root caps enhancement major soon code-frontend 1.6.1
#784 explain what the "Report an incident" button does enhancement major undecided code-frontend-web 1.5.0
#793 using removable disk as a storage backend enhancement major undecided code-storage 1.5.0
#794 create DSA writecaps from a passphrase enhancement major undecided code-mutable 1.5.0
#795 add-only sets enhancement major undecided code-mutable 1.5.0
#796 write-only caps enhancement major undecided code-mutable 1.5.0
#822 Web API should use a more reliable, out-of-band means of reporting errors (such as a server connection being lost) during a download defect major soon code-frontend-web 1.5.0
#823 WUI server should have a disallow-all robots.txt defect major undecided code-frontend-web 1.5.0
#825 Cannot use WUI to upload a file with a name different to its name in the local filesystem enhancement major undecided code-frontend-web 1.5.0
#826 Rename action in WUI has no confirmation for clobbering another entry defect major soon code-frontend-web 1.5.0
#835 "tahoe cp -r --mutable/--immutable": make mutable copy of immutable directories or vice versa enhancement major soon code-frontend-cli 1.5.0
#840 Allow all CLI commands to take arguments from stdin or a file, to avoid caps being visible to other local users enhancement major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.5.0
#845 "tahoe backup" and HFS+ OS-level immutable directories: copying Time Machine backups enhancement major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.5.0
#849 Tahoe cp command refuses to copy remote files to a local directory that contains special files defect major soon code-frontend-cli 1.5.0
#851 tahoe backup exclude option only matches on filename instead of path enhancement major eventually code-frontend-cli 1.5.0
#855 Make tahoe webopen without arguments show the tahoe: alias, if there is one enhancement major soon code-frontend-cli 1.5.0
#864 Automated migration of shares between storage servers enhancement major undecided code-storage 1.5.0
#868 use helper to bypass NAT/firewall defect major undecided code-network 1.5.0
#905 gather information about historical server performance enhancement major undecided code-network 1.5.0
#906 ETag support for mutable files and directories defect major undecided code-frontend-web 1.5.0
#910 "tahoe mkdir" doesn't accept $CAP/path arguments? defect major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.5.0
#915 the timers used by tahoe backup to trigger repair for unhealthy files should be configurable defect major eventually code-frontend-cli 1.5.0
#935 zandr's FUSE/NAS idea enhancement major eventually code-frontend 1.5.0
#940 display space-usage configs, space used, space available for your storage server enhancement major undecided code-storage 1.6.0
#944 "tahoe mv" doesn't accept just a path as the second argument? defect major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.6.0
#954 revocable write authority enhancement major soon code-mutable 1.6.0
#955 use client-side storage to defend against rollback attack enhancement major code-mutable 1.6.0
#956 embed security metadata in parent directory enhancement major code-dirnodes 1.6.0
#958 LAFS 301 Moved Permanently enhancement major soon code-mutable 1.6.0
#960 integrate Tahoe-LAFS into GVFS enhancement major undecided code-frontend 1.6.0
#975 results of deep-size should include mutable files defect major soon code-frontend-web 1.6.0
#979 AssertionError on DELETE when child links point to yourself defect major soon code-frontend-web 1.6.0
#1008 Unhandled error conditions disclose detailed information defect major eventually code-frontend-web 1.6.1
#1018 backup manager task (inside the node) enhancement major undecided code-frontend 1.6.1
#1029 download a subtree as an archive enhancement major undecided code-frontend-web 1.6.1
#1035 add API to atomically set a child URI and return both the new child and its metadata enhancement major soon code-dirnodes 1.6.1
#1042 KeyError exception seen in log when doing a mutable publish on the pubgrid defect major eventually code-mutable 1.6.1
#1044 short-circuit checker/verifier behavior defect major undecided code-encoding 1.6.1
#1048 Expected exceptions should not include tracebacks enhancement major undecided code-frontend-web 1.6.1
#1059 sshfs does not wait for an FX_CLOSE request to complete before reporting success from the close defect major undecided code-frontend-ftp-sftp 1.6.1
#1060 tests for SFTP via GIO Python binding defect major soon code-frontend-ftp-sftp 1.6.1
#1102 "tahoe ls $DIRCAP:" gives an unhelpful error message defect major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.7.0
#1103 "tahoe cp -r" gives unhelpful error message when you append a ':" to the dircap as arg defect major undecided code-frontend-cli 1.7.0
#1105 allow uncoordinated reads concurrent with writes of a mutable file or directory locally defect major undecided code-mutable 1.7.0
#1107 "sneakernet" servers enhancement major undecided code-storage 1.7.0
#1112 error message for corrupted caps to {{{tahoe ls}}} is unclear defect major soon code-frontend-cli 1.7.0
#1124 upload is unhappy even though the shares are already distributed defect major soon code-peerselection 1.7.0
#1126 maybe have separate code paths for upload and repair defect major undecided code-peerselection 1.7.0
#1132 browser protocol handler or plugin for Tahoe URIs enhancement major undecided code-frontend-web 1.7.1
#1163 server stats enhancement major undecided code-nodeadmin 1.8β
#1176 webapi should avoid using plaintext temporary file for uploads defect major soon code-frontend-web 1.8β
#1179 use μTP enhancement major undecided code-network 1.8β
(more results for this group on next page)
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