Custom Query (1179 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 1179)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#414 profiling on directory unpacking new zooko defect major eventually
#432 writing down filecaps: revise URI scheme new task major
#437 automatically schedule tests of large files new somebody defect major eventually
#444 reduce number of active connections: connect-on-demand new enhancement major undecided
#445 implement relay: allow storage servers behind NAT new somebody enhancement major undecided
#447 explore improved peer-selection approaches: chord, reliability-based new enhancement major undecided
#449 deletion: maintain per-account file manifest, cancel leases upon removal new enhancement major undecided
#453 safely add plaintext_hash to immutable UEB new enhancement major undecided
#462 PUT should elicit 100 Continue new defect major soon
#464 evaluate different share-storage schemes new task major undecided
#465 add a mutable-file cache new enhancement major eventually
#467 allow the user to specify which servers a given gateway will use for uploads new leif enhancement major soon
#468 design+build the Usage/Aggregator service new enhancement major undecided
#471 servermap update chart doesn't fit new defect major eventually
#474 uncaught exception in mutable-retrieve: UCW between mapupdate and retrieve new defect major soon
#480 mutable storage-server API needs a way to refuse shares new defect major undecided
#482 build a checker/verifier that can work from just SI new enhancement major undecided
#484 client feedback channel new somebody enhancement major undecided
#487 add munin graphs of garbage percentage new somebody task major undecided
#488 Thunderbird plugin new enhancement major undecided
#492 mutable files: add ciphertext hash tree to signature block new zooko defect major eventually
#500 what happens if you run out of sequence numbers in mutable files new defect major undecided
#501 NotMutableError (now NotWriteableError) escaping into the twistd.log assigned davidsarah defect major undecided
#504 build 'tahoe debug decode' command new enhancement major eventually
#512 FTP frontend needs tests assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#521 disconnect unresponsive servers (using foolscap's disconnectTimeout) new warner defect major undecided
#529 Implement Halt and Catch Fire new defect major undecided
#541 remove foolscap 'reference'-token bug workaround in mutable publish new defect major soon
#543 repair/rebalancing service new enhancement major eventually
#544 'tahoe check' / 'tahoe deep-check' CLI should have prettier output assigned francois enhancement major eventually
#547 mapupdate(MODE_WRITE) triggers on a false boundary new defect major soon
#548 mutable publish sends queries to servers that have already been asked new defect major soon
#549 MODE_WRITE mapupdate: maybe increase epsilon to handle large batches of new servers better assigned bazuka defect major soon
#554 some directory targets in wapi/wui require trailing slashes assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#562 add a "censor" command to filter out sensitive information from log files new somebody defect major eventually
#563 anonymize IP addresses in log files new somebody defect major soon
#567 add version info to t=JSON output data assigned rvs enhancement major soon
#568 make immutable check/verify/repair and mutable check/verify work given only a verify cap new daira defect major soon
#579 report corrupted shares new defect major undecided
#580 repairer: upload fresh shares to replace corrupted shares new defect major soon
#583 repairer: test cancel, upload failure, download failure new defect major eventually
#584 repairer: test what happens when servers fail or hang new defect major eventually
#587 Web nodes provide ambient upload authority new daira defect major soon
#589 JSON link does not work if there is a '#' character in the file name. new defect major eventually
#595 get the immutable file hash of a file without uploading it new somebody enhancement major undecided
#597 add 'tahoe mirror' command, use backupdb new enhancement major undecided
#599 maybe add share-metadata: "where-are-the-other-shares" hints new enhancement major undecided
#604 one-shot distributed revocable forwarding slots new enhancement major undecided
#605 two-hour delay to connect to a grid from Win32, if there are many storage servers unreachable assigned zooko defect major eventually
#610 upload should take better advantage of existing shares new kevan enhancement major soon
#613 sometimes a helper hurts instead of helping (if you need to upload less than K shares) new enhancement major undecided
#614 redefine "Healthy" to be "Happy" for checker/verifier/repairer new markberger defect major soon
#622 add a 'repair' button on the webapi checker results page assigned Lcstyle enhancement major soon
#625 Can't repair read-only dirnodes/mutable-files assigned warner defect major soon
#631 trailing spaces in filenames break the WUI rename function new defect major soon
#632 "tahoe backup --prefix": override pathname root for snapshots new enhancement major undecided
#635 'tahoe make-tarball' command new enhancement major
#640 Cli fs operations refactoring new enhancement major undecided
#643 Automatically schedule repair process (and backups?) new somebody enhancement major eventually
#651 handle MemoryError by failing quickly and loudly new somebody defect major soon
#654 make the storage index be the verifier cap new enhancement major undecided
#655 tahoewapi demo tree-view.html always recurses to ro_uri in children. new nejucomo defect major undecided
#656 tahoewapi: Verify against the CAJA verifier. new nejucomo task major undecided
#658 "tahoe cp" should avoid full upload/download when the destination already exists (using backupdb and/or plaintext hashes) new enhancement major undecided
#662 add an option for "tahoe manifest" to not skip duplicates, or a --recursive option to "tahoe ls" new enhancement major undecided
#666 Accounting: limit storage space used by different parties new davidsarah task major
#671 bring back sizelimit (i.e. max consumed, not min free) new markberger defect major soon
#674 controlled access to your WUI new nobody enhancement major soon
#678 converge same file, same K, different N new enhancement major undecided
#679 /storage emitting exception - lease reporting code assigned davidsarah defect major undecided
#682 FTP frontend should support Unicode filenames encoded as UTF-8 assigned francois defect major soon
#683 handle arbitrary URIs in directories new defect major undecided
#685 [needs test] Capability of interrupted downloads is logged in twistd.log new somebody defect major soon
#686 Search for lost share resulted in a directory popping up at unexpected place assigned daira defect major soon
#687 too many "false alarms" in incident reporting new somebody defect major eventually
#699 rebalance during repair or upload assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#700 have servers publish Bloom filter of which shares they have new enhancement major undecided
#711 repair to different levels of N new enhancement major undecided
#713 tahoe make-verify-cap new enhancement major undecided
#719 Making requests too soon after startup can fail new defect major soon
#720 Changing web server address breaks CLI new defect major undecided
#723 helper: client should verify ciphertext hashes and UEB new daira defect major soon
#724 helper: client should check up on the helper's work new enhancement major undecided
#725 We should whine if we're running as root. assigned davidsarah enhancement major soon
#731 what to do with filenames that are illegal on some systems new defect major eventually
#752 speed up directories more new enhancement major undecided
#753 use longer storage index / cap for collision resistance new defect major undecided
#764 webapi/usage calls should be logged - standard reusable format (apache-style access.log) new enhancement major undecided
#766 repair results Summary field says "Unhealthy" even though it is healthy after the repair, if it was unhealthy before assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#770 webapi: listen on multiple interfaces/ports new enhancement major eventually
#777 Facility to automatically renew leases of root caps new enhancement major soon
#782 connection lost during "tahoe backup" new andrej defect major undecided
#784 explain what the "Report an incident" button does new enhancement major undecided
#787 Refine use case documentation for non-technical audiences. new nejucomo enhancement major undecided
#793 using removable disk as a storage backend new enhancement major undecided
#794 create DSA writecaps from a passphrase new enhancement major undecided
#795 add-only sets new enhancement major undecided
#796 write-only caps new enhancement major undecided
#809 Measure how segment size affects upload/download speed. new warner enhancement major soon
#812 server-side crawlers: tolerate corrupted shares, verify shares new warner defect major undecided
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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