Custom Query (28 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#816 Add ping-all-servers button to welcome page usability transparency ostrom statistics notifyOnDisconnect new enhancement minor
#976 status of mutable file retrieve gives less information than an immutable download performance download statistics new defect minor
#1194 Garbage Collector need to remove subdirs of storage/shares when deleting shares munin statistics easy new nobody defect normal
#1285 SFTP: put an approximation of grid capacity and available space in the 'df' output usability statistics sftp ostrom new defect normal
#1375 the performance stats for each upload or download are undiscoverable usability docs easy performance ostrom upload download statistics wui new tarcieri defect normal
#1393 more detailed breakdown of upload 'Peer Selection' time performance statistics timing upload new somebody defect normal
#1515 more precise progress indication for MDMF retrieve mdmf statistics new enhancement normal
#1821 show full, explorable details about check and repair operations usability transparency ostrom statistics repair new enhancement normal
#172 put sparklines on front page statistics new somebody enhancement major
#309 add web page to Introducer, with client lists/counts introducer statistics privacy new somebody enhancement major
#317 measurements of grid usage for the TestGrid page statistics testgrid reopened somebody enhancement major
#333 immutable-uploader-helper leftovers upload-helper test upload statistics new warner task major
#394 mutable publish: add timing charts to measure RTT performance statistics new task major
#464 evaluate different share-storage schemes performance statistics scalability backend new task major
#484 client feedback channel performance statistics logging new somebody enhancement major
#487 add munin graphs of garbage percentage statistics new somebody task major
#671 bring back sizelimit (i.e. max consumed, not min free) usability statistics sftp docs new markberger defect major
#809 Measure how segment size affects upload/download speed. easy performance upload download statistics new warner enhancement major
#905 gather information about historical server performance performance statistics new enhancement major
#940 display space-usage configs, space used, space available for your storage server statistics transparency space-efficiency new enhancement major
#966 document munin plugins and make them discoverable easy docs statistics assigned blaisep defect major
#1163 server stats statistics operational new enhancement major
#1221 operation stats are not sufficient to understand what's wrong statistics transparency ostrom new defect major
#1222 scoreboard server status statistics profiling new enhancement major
#1406 performance measurement automation and visualization performance statistics new somebody enhancement major
#1434 DYHB requests misrendered in download visualization aesthetics usability transparency download wui statistics performance unfinished-business new warner defect major
#1462 add legend to Recent Uploads and Downloads page, explain LIT upload download usability statistics wui easy docs new T_X defect major
#1530 automated comparative 'k' performance tests and graphs performance statistics visualization new warner task major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.