Custom Query (7 matches)


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Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#911 Create a specification for the servers of happiness behavior davidsarah task major 1.5.0 fixed
#978 hard to navigate the docs to install, on Debian, with short attention span warner defect major 1.6.0 fixed
#1075 NEWS should be updated before 1.7.0 gets released zooko task major n/a fixed
#1080 assorted documentation fixes for #778 somebody defect major 1.7β fixed
#968 Typo correction for the munin plugin tahoe_storagespace davidsarah defect minor 1.6.0 fixed
#987 Wording fix for docs/running.html davidsarah defect minor 1.6.0 fixed
#1027 Changing format of some documentation files davidsarah enhancement minor 1.6.1 fixed
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